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Merry Christmas to me! I found this site!

StepQ's picture

Hello Everybody. I am new here and very happy to have found this site! I am a Stepmom to a now 13 year old SS. I have known DH and SS for over 8 years. BM lives in the same town. Christmas is always so emotional for me, and every year I have to wait for BM and DH to decide what's going on and then my DH to let me know what plans to make because it always changes at the last minute.
We have SS every other week, and Christmas is our week this year, so SS whines and complains that he can't do everything that we are doing because he has to go to BM house too. Sheesh, he gets 2 birthdays, 2 Christmas celebrations, 2 vacations, and lots of 'guilt' gifts throughout the year from BM. Why is he still complaining?
I am so glad I have a place to go and vent now. DH doesn't understand what i am going through. Thank you all for being here.


uptohere's picture

Merry Christmas!
I found this site LAST Christmas after a particularly traumatic holiday visit with skids.
Welcome, and hope this helps you as much as it helped me to realize I wasn't alone.