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Tension/Atmosphere differences in households and kid's reactions to it....interesting!

SteppingUp's picture

This weekend we went to DH's mom's house. She's slightly neurotic, she's very tense and flutters to and fro doing this and that. It's a constant nervous energy. I like her, the kids love her, but you's just this energy that makes you kind of uncomfortable and you can't put your finger on it. My BS (10 months) was super whiny there. He only wanted me to hold him, he didn't really want to play. I chalked it up to him having a cold. SS4 was kind of goofy and attention-seeking too.

In the afternoon we switched to DH's dad's house. FIL and DH's stepmom are the warmest, kindest people you've ever met. Almost the instant we walked in, BS was smiley, was being held by everyone, was sooo happy. SS seemed to relax too. It was crazy. They see both FIL and MIL about the same, so it's not like BS is more used to one than the other. DH said, "Woah, it's like BS is a whole new child!" and I said "It's the energy's so loving and caring and relaxed." DH agreed completely, especially because it's the same thing we see with BM. The minute the skids walk in her door, they're different kids.

Anyone else have these experiences? How do you put your finger on that "energy" and how to explain it?


Ommy's picture

I know what you are talking about and I think it has to do with the adults personality. If they are more relaxed it is a kinder "fun" environment, when someone it a bit up tight, and "stiff" the everyone feels as if they are being watched, being judged. Kids pick up on there environment and the people that are in it.

cant win for losin's picture

Yes, the in laws house is like this. Its terrible. Their OWN children dont feel comfortable there. The fil and mil both dont like to have people over (this obviously includes family) and after a while (with in 2 hours) you can tell they want you to keave. Which is fine cause we all want to leave anyway. Even the grandkids hate goin over there.

ctnmom's picture

Every person on earth has thier own "energy" (aura?) that kids ,with thier uncluttered minds, can pick up on.

jhan's picture

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I know what you are talking about and I think it has to do with the adults personality. If they are more relaxed it is a kinder "fun" environment, when someone it a bit up tight, and "stiff" the everyone feels as if they are being watched, being judged. Kids pick up on there environment and the people that are in it.