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DF said "Dammit" last night when he dropped something, which led into a conversation with SD5 about swearing. She knows it is a swear word, and she timidly said, "Mommy and Grandma say REALLY bad words." Of course this led DF to ask for more specifics. It took a while because SD5 didn't want to actually say the words since she knows it's wrong for her to do so, but we finally deduced that BM and her mother often refer to each other in person as F***-Sticks. We later decided to see what the status of BM's job promotion was, as she was bound to post it on Facebook. We saw comments to each other saying things like, "Make sure you bring your lawn chairs when you come over tomorrow, f***-stick!" Or "Wake up, F-stick!" Mind you, this is all public information, as BM can't figure out how to make her profile private!

If only I had half of their class. Wink

I can't imagine speaking to my mother like that!