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Stepping_off_the_ledge's picture

So our very own narcissistic BM pulled off another of her crazy agendas today....

Maybe 6 months ago she asked SO to take the skids overnight today because she had a function to attend. It is not our weekend which was the reason behind the request and he readily agreed. Over the course of the last few months since that request there have been reminders from BM of the date. Again SO confirms each time.
Come today...SO speaks to the skids early in the day and learns that they WILL NOT be coming here. No notice from BM just another game she decided to play. What's better...make it hard for SO to envoke his right of first refusal by splitting the skids up into multiple households, 2 of which about an hour away.

What was the point of that....if you didn't want them here why ask! Just have the balls to pull your sh*t face to face rather than hiding behind no notice and CHILDREN!


oneoffour's picture

That's rude. And here is how you fix her for the next time. Have a Plan B. Sure you will have the kids. She pulls them back and you say "Yes we though you would do the same thing you did last time. No problem, We have some adult plans, nite!" She thinks she has the upper hand. Let her know she doesn't and is predictable.