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Stepmum76's Blog

Lying Bio mother

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Am so angry right now with pathetic lying bio mother. SS found a motorbike he wanted for $8000. Bio mum agreed he could buy it and she would pay for it.... Why when the kid does not work or do anything I have no idea.... Anyway BM rang me at work last week to complain about SS not looking for work and said he is just lazy like his father. Wouldn't have anything to do with the fact she raised him as a spoilt entitled shit though would it... Giving him everything he wanted when he wanted....

First post

Stepmum76's picture

Hello everyone! This is my first post. so bare with me. lol I have 2 stepkids ( two different mothers). SD 29 and SS18. SD lives in another country so we don't get to see her much at all. I get on great with her and her mother. We have been on holidays together etc. SS mother and I do not like each other at all. Actually I will go as far as saying I hate the woman and couldn't care if she was hit by a bus tomorrow.