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I can't pretend like I have any good feelings about this kid anymore..

stepmomsoon's picture

Ok.. I can't stand him.. I dislike him.. I hate him being in my life..

There.. it's out in the wide open..

I'm not going to pretend like it's nothing.. like "oh, we like each other.. we just have difficulties from time to time".. uh, no.. ss12 and I hate each other and its turning into war..

He is outright a dick to me.. plain and simple. Always has been - always will be. We get him on it, but it never changes.. it's who he is.

The one good thing is, now my mother in law got to see it first hand for herself.. she was here this week and oh did she get an eyeful.

She got to see how every day when I come home sk12 won't acknowledge me or say hi.. she even called him out on it yesterday.. her and I were sitting at the table talking and he gets home from school.. walks right by me and she says "aren't you going to say hi?".... now if I wasn't there he would have said hi like he did the day before.. He stops and shifts his eyes around.. and looks at the wall.. then her.. then the wall.. then her and finally says "hi" and laughs.. WTF?

She noticed it right away.. she called him on it and he laughed and denied any wrong doing.. whatever.. little jerk.

So then he just starts being annoying.. making noises, jacking up the dogs and getting them hyper, tossing the football in the air.. then he gets out his remote control helicopter.. (I hate this thing because he constantly wants to fly it in any room the adults are in).. his grandma tells him to take it outside, we are trying to talk.. so he opens the back door and just leaves it open while he is in the deck flying this thing.. We have had SO many discussions about leaving doors open and why it's important to close them behind you - cat gets out, flies get in, dogs run out without their collars on... etc. I say "close the door".. he ignores me. I repeat it and so does grandma.. he ignores it.. then I yell it.. he SLAMS the freaking door! I have had enough, so I go over, open the door and say "you need to do it the right way - close it without slamming it".. he makes a face and mocks me. I wanted to smack the shit out of him. OMG! The blatant disrespect from this kid is disturbing.. I tell him to knock it off.. stop it. He denies doing it and then slowly walks over and makes a big deal about closing the door..

He obviously has a problem with me and grandma sees it.. she tells him "she had every right to ask you to do that over. You did not need to slam the door."

Then later that night... as usual, he is a jackass about bedtime.. since grandma was in town he got to stay up till 9:30, but that wasn't good enough.. He was told repeatedly "9:30, in bed and lights out"..

He goes up to his room... and is screwing around - I can hear him. Grandma said goodnight and went to bed herself and DH was in the shower.. I do a walk through at 9:35ish to make sure the lights are all off and the house is locked up.. sk12's light is still on.. he is the only kid with it still on. I open the door and there his ass is.. screwing around with his toy gun and out of bed.. I say "weren't you supposed to be in bed at 9:30?" He makes shitty faces and mocks me and says "I AM WAITING FOR MY DAD TO TUCK ME IN".. I say, "you were supposed to be in bed at 9:30 - your dad is in the shower and won't be out for another 15 minutes. He will tuck you in then - get in bed." He says "no, I'm waiting for my dad" WTF? I have visions of knocking this kid on his ass.. seriously.. I mean what is it going to take..? I keep my cool though and say "no, you need to get in bed and turn off your light - he will tuck you in after his shower." He tries to argue some more.. of course, but I stand my ground and say "nope - bed" repeatedly until he does it.

I can't stand him..

Then.. as if going to bed after dealing with this bullshit wasn't enough...

This morning.. he is arguing with DH.. about what to wear for picture day. Grandma is in the kitchen trying to talk to sk12 about things and get him to settle down.. as I walk in to refill my coffee he tells her "no" to something and walks off while she says "get in here".. I see him make a shitty face and say "No".. so I intercept him and put my hand on his shoulder and turn him around and tell him "don't you disrespect her - she said get in there"... he then pulls away from me and makes a HUGE ordeal out of this.. telling me "don't touch me.. if you leave a mark on me, you know what will happen.." basically threatening me that he will either call the cops or tell his mom.. I'm like "don't threaten me.. I didn't beat you, I turned your disrespectful butt around"... he replies "you don't touch me" I say "don't walk away from people and be disrespectful and I won't have to touch you - so if you don't do that, I won't need to touch you"... since I got the better of him, he now resorts to being shitty.. "I'll just go to my moms".. and then "you'll go to jail".. I'm like "really? fine with me.. I'll go to jail for making you be respectful? I think not. The cops will laugh at you and probably toss your butt in juvie to teach you a lesson." He then yells at me "just leave - why don't you just leave." I laugh and say "I'm not going anywhere"

Both my MIL and DH heard parts of this.. sk12 tried to twist it and say I told him to "go to his moms".. I'm like "uh-no, I only said fine with me and if he's going to act like that he can go to his moms and act like that because it's not tolerated here.."

What a way to start my Friday... DH called me after I left for work.. we had a long talk and his mom was also part of the conversation.. It's so painfully obvious that this kid hates me.. to the core.. want me gone, but if he can't get rid of me, he's going to make my life as difficult as he can.. in addition to all of his other crap that is just him, he wants to hurt me, wants to make me leave.. and he's only 12.. it scares the shit out of me what he will be pulling 2 or 3 years from now when he's bigger and the hormones kick in.. Little does he know (or maybe he does) that I will not hesitate to get whomever involved that I need to in order to protect myself and keep my home in order.. if he wants a war, by god, he will get one hell of a war and he will lose..


winter80's picture

How long have you been a part of his life? I'm just curious if it is better if you have been with them for as long as they can remember or not.... le sigh. Chin up, you're an amazing person for taking on the role you have!

stepmomsoon's picture

He's on it..

We had a talk and he is going to talk to sk12.. not that a talk will do anything, but it's a starting point.

Really.. I don't know where to go from here..

I have disengaged to a degree - like I stated, I'm not going to sit by and allow certain things to just happen.. like if they affect me or my quality of life. Nope.

The thing is.. I don't know if DH can make him be different towards me. I don't want fake "hello's" because he has to.. who wants to live like that? Not me..

I do want sk12 to stop mocking me and saying little underhanded shit when I do tell him to do something or whatever.. that is bullshit and I'm the one who sees it.. he won't do it in front of DH or MIL..

DH made the remark "I'll get him the next time he does it.." I'm like "you won't see it, he only does it when it's me and him..." He replies "well, tell me when it happens.." I have reservations about this.. why? SK12 is a habitual liar and will lie and then rage... say he didn't do it and eventually meltdown and cry..

This puts DH is feeling sorry for him mode.. which may or may not backfire on me. DH has been better about falling for sk's bullshit.. but..

Sometimes I feel like I need to walk around with a damn tape recorder and a helmet cam..

stepmomsoon's picture

I have as much as I can without totally compromising my quality of life and becoming a complete doormat.

stepmomsoon's picture

I have partially disengaged.. I want nothing to do with this kid and for the most part, I leave the parenting to his dad.

But I can't just sit there and let him act certain ways and do certain things.. so I step in. The way I see it, its my house too and I have a daughter I am raising - I don't want her to see that it is ok to act like him.. she is smart and sees it - and believe me, she is like "WTF" is wrong with him.. but she is younger and I'm worried about when she is a teenager.. that's when the bad influences can become a factor..

What I have on my side is that she isn't a big fan of sk12, so she shouldn't be influenced.

And now DH is seeing this.. thank heavens.. and MIL is starting to have my back regarding him.. they used to tell me "be the adult and kill him with kindness".. and I tried..

Nope.. not anymore. I refuse to be all sweet and act like it's all good.

SK12 will get in return what he gives.. he wants to be a jerk to me.. I'll hand it back.

Thanks for the encouragement and understanding.. it's so hard to be in this position.. you feel so alone and misunderstood. People expect you to deal with and accept things that just are not easy.. and it hurts. It hurts to be treated like dog shit and disliked by someone for no reason.

stepmomsoon's picture

I don't think we can.. my MIL said "he's 12 and been this way for too long"... and really he has..

I hate that things are like this.. I love my DH.. but can't stand his kids.. I have really honestly tried to bond with them.. or at least try to find a common peaceful ground we can exist on..

I could live with sk14 - he is not nearly as bad as sk12. But that won't happen.. BM doesn't want either kid - let alone the worst one. Pathetic, huh? Their own mom knows how horrible they are and gladly ditched them for a better life with her new hubby.. who, oh what a shock, can't stand them either!!

I am drained as well.. depressed.. can't sleep at night.. due to the nightly bedtime conflict with this kid.. it stresses me out. I want to cry, but instead I hold it all in and just go hide in my room with a book or find reason to just leave the house..

jojo68's picture

I totally understand...My SD13 doesn't acknowledge my existence. So I am completely disengaged. She is with us full time...there is very little interaction with BM. I have learned a long time ago you can't make someone like you that is so self absorbed that they will never give you a chance. This is a 13 year old who is jealous if you and your husband go to dinner without her and has a complete total meltdown over being "bored" I said I totally gave up after a long time of trying and having my heart broken everytime. I don't get her and the way she acts and I never will. I also don't understand why DH is so blind to reality and so is MIL. They don't think a thing about a 13 year old who still rides in the grocery cart and still plays with toys that are rated for a 5 year old. That is why I'm far it is the best solution for me.

stepmomsoon's picture

What I mean by this is, when he gets older and bigger I have a feeling he is going to be more aggressive/defiant. If he gets too out of hand.. I will call the cops.

DH does hand out the consequences.. but it isn't every time.. he's inconsistent, but getting better.

Yes, he needs tucked in every night.. it's such crap.

SK12 knew the schedule - be in bed at 9:30 and lights out.. the "waiting for dad" was his stall tactic..

Chores? LMAO.. no. He is an entitled lazy brat.

alieigh21's picture

I agree disrespect = loss of privileges. It shouldn't matter if SS lies or tries to turn it around, DH should trust you and back you up. If DH feels like you are wrong that is a conversation for the two of you alone.

This sounds so much like my SD. She can be so sweet and say all the right things but she can also be a evil witch. It all comes down to control with teens.

MY SD called the police on BM and her half brother. DCS got involved and she was given the option of our house or foster care. MIL actually told DH while I sat there maybe foster care would be the best thing. MILs can be a powerful ally.

stepmomsoon's picture

he is the biggest baby.. hands down - acts like a 4 year old when he doesn't get his way - crying, temper tantrum, running away.. you name it..

stepmomsoon's picture

He does not have ODD.. or ADHD.. or Asperger's..

I wish it were that easy.. that we could medicate or counsel this out of him..

He can control his "attitude" when he wants to.. at school he can with teachers and coaches in sports.. he doesn't argue with or talk back to them.

He isn't afraid of authority or consequences because he has never learned this..

BM.. checked out when he was born.. marriage was in shambles, she didn't want to deal with him.. didn't parent from birth and took him to target daily to get toys and video games to appease him.. allowed him to have temper tantrums.. never followed through on anything. etc..

It's just bad parenting that went on for way too long..

Anon2009's picture

"But I can't just sit there and let him act certain ways and do certain things.. so I step in. The way I see it, its my house too and I have a daughter I am raising - I don't want her to see that it is ok to act like him.. she is smart and sees it - and believe me, she is like "WTF" is wrong with him.. but she is younger and I'm worried about when she is a teenager.. that's when the bad influences can become a factor.."

I think this is where you have to explain to her that you are her mother and you love her too much to let her act like that. That you want her to have friends and a good life.

I know your DD lives there, but I still think you're too involved. You got on SS when he slammed the door and his misbehavior towards MIL. And your DH was there for some of it. Not that I don't understand why you got on SS- I do- but I think you should let DH and/or MIL deal with him in those situations in the future. "so I intercept him and put my hand on his shoulder and turn him around and tell him "don't you disrespect her - she said get in there"... he then pulls away from me and makes a HUGE ordeal out of this.. telling me "don't touch me.. if you leave a mark on me, you know what will happen.." basically threatening me that he will either call the cops or tell his mom.. I'm like "don't threaten me.. I didn't beat you, I turned your disrespectful butt around"... he replies "you don't touch me" I say "don't walk away from people and be disrespectful and I won't have to touch you - so if you don't do that, I won't need to touch you"... since I got the better of him, he now resorts to being shitty.. "I'll just go to my moms".. and then "you'll go to jail".. I'm like "really? fine with me.. I'll go to jail for making you be respectful? I think not. The cops will laugh at you and probably toss your butt in juvie to teach you a lesson." He then yells at me "just leave - why don't you just leave." I laugh and say "I'm not going anywhere"" MIL was the one he disrespected there. Maybe just let her hash it out with him in the future. If he sees her sticking up for herself towards him, he may back down a little bit.

"He goes up to his room... and is screwing around - I can hear him. Grandma said goodnight and went to bed herself and DH was in the shower.. I do a walk through at 9:35ish to make sure the lights are all off and the house is locked up.. sk12's light is still on.. he is the only kid with it still on. I open the door and there his ass is.. screwing around with his toy gun and out of bed.. I say "weren't you supposed to be in bed at 9:30?" He makes shitty faces and mocks me and says "I AM WAITING FOR MY DAD TO TUCK ME IN".. I say, "you were supposed to be in bed at 9:30 - your dad is in the shower and won't be out for another 15 minutes. He will tuck you in then - get in bed." He says "no, I'm waiting for my dad" WTF? I have visions of knocking this kid on his ass.. seriously.. I mean what is it going to take..? I keep my cool though and say "no, you need to get in bed and turn off your light - he will tuck you in after his shower." He tries to argue some more.. of course, but I stand my ground and say "nope - bed" repeatedly until he does it." This is where DAD needs to call him out. That could have been an opportunity for him to do so. That is where you need to keep walking down the hallway so then Dad can see what's going on once he's out of the shower.

And I agree with rising in that if Dad can't watch SS, he goes to grandma's/a friend's/after school programs/daycare.