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My ss wants to move back with his bm

stepmom1183's picture

My ss has been acting horribly for the entire school year. You can look at previous entries to get the whole story with my situation. Both at school and at home. I have been thru hell with this kid. And he tells me that the reason he's been making my life miserable, is because he wants to go back to his mom. Geez.Part of me wants to say fuck it, let him. The other part of me says no, he's not gonna act however the hell he wants to and get his way. My husband agrees. Don't know how to handle this.


Purplemom's picture

Thats a hard one...

On one hand you don't want to reward bad behavior- but you are punishing yourself by keeping him around..... on the other, you will be rid of him..... but he gets away with this crap.

I don't envy you figuring this out!

stepmom1183's picture

I'm leaning towards that closer and closer each passing day of this slow hell. Ha!

stepmom1183's picture

Man, yeah I'm at a total loss here. My ss goes to spend the summer with bm anyway, so there's only a month of school left. Maybe I should just bare with it? He'll be gone for 6 weeks and will come back for the school year... I do want the bm to have to deal with him like we have. Give her a taste of it. As a matter of fact when my ss was with her over thanksgiving break, she called us days early to go ahead and send him back because she couldn't put up with him. She wants to act like she knows and understands, but hell, she only see's him on holidays. When I do talk to her to tell her of his behavior or karate, or whatever, she wants to give me advice?? Wtf? Why would I want or take advice from a mother who allowed a man to abuse her child not once but twice from two different men?! She has no idea what I go thru on a daily basis. My ss is 8 years old and he acts like a teen. Backtalk, attitude, and the like. He throws tantrums that are ridiculous, and laughable. We have tried everything from spankings, groundings, taking away privileges... rewarding behavior... It doesn't make a damn what we do, nothing phases that kid!