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I think im Pregnant

stepmom-at20's picture

Waiting for the test results is a nightmare......I feel so sick latly Dh and I have been fighting alot and I dont know what to do if I am. I would love a Kid of my own but DH wont be happy now.
This sucks I wish my life was diffrent


herewegoagain's picture

Are you 20? Oh my. I read some of your previous posts and just a month ago things were really bad. I am not really sure how you could be pregnant...sigh...

You don't make enough to live on your own? Please make sure that you take care of yourself, however, if you are NOT pregnant, you need to either find a job that pays you better or ensure that you cannot get pregnant by using double or triple contraception. Our kids go through enough when we make enough money to support ourselves, but you cannot support yourself even...sigh...

I am sorry, I am truly worried for you and possibly for a new baby's life...

Good luck.

stepmom-at20's picture

I was 20 when i became a stepmom im 22 now thing have been up and down ive been on the pill for 3 years but also been on anti biotics twice in a month and a half.In South Africa the min wage is nothing really its crapy but to try and find anothert job is also difficult not many people are have vacancys and the few there are you need atleast 5-10 years experiance