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baked cookies with ss4 and he helped with dinner.....

stepmom-at20's picture

so this weekend was the first time ss4 came in like two weeks due to everyone at home being sick and we didnt want hime to get sick,anyway as luck would have it sunday he wakes up with pink-eye and flu.the weekend was good tho on saturday I said I was going to bake cookies and asked him if he wanted to help,he really enjoyed by the time dinner time came around he got his chair to stand on and wanted to help again....I dont mind this it gets him away from the tv...and he also learns the different veg and how the stove sunday we take him to the pharmacy and they say he needs to go to the doctor so this morning I take him to the doc with my mom,I dont drive and my mom is watching him today for us as we cant really take off work first thing monday FDH tells BM sunday night that this is what we are doing as I only start work at ten and have time in the morning....BM is beyond pissed that FDH wont take off work and that he is letting me take him,and to top it off that my mom is watching him because FDH's mom is working BM phones my mom to see how ss is doing and she wants to talk to ss so my mom hold the phone out and tells ss to say hello to his mom and he shout nooo!!!! so my mom tries again and again he shout no so my mom is not going to force him to talk on the BM phones FDH and asks why wont HER SON talk to her....his answer....he is happier when he is with us.she put the phone down.everytime she wants to talk to ss when he is with us he shouts no he doesnt want to talk to her.

What do you think we should do he doesnt even want to go back when we have to take him back he screams blue murder he dosnt want to go?


caya506's picture

ss3 does this same thing. My BF was picking ss up from daycare and BM was there and stopped to say hi to ss. The first thing ss said to her is "I'm NOT going to mommy's house, I'm going to daddy's!". He also kicks and screams if he knows BM is picking him up after daycare, or if BF has to take him back to BM's house. BF just talks to ss and tells him that mommy misses him and wants to see him too, that he'll see him again next week. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. It's hard, but unfortunately there's not much else you can do but try to reassure him.