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By The Way!!! I have good news (karma for BM!)

stepmama.of.a.prince's picture

FDH and I spoke with his attorney the other day, we have been trying to get in contact with him for almost a month now, so we called to let him know that this made us feel very uncomfortable in our case, and we would really like to see more from him or else we may consider seeking new representation...I suppose this spooked him a bit, so he gave a call very soon after...

1. BM's parents have paid for her attorney since Day 1 and with their money she has filed bogus motions and attempted to completely destroy us...but with the law Smile !
-attorney said he spoke with BM's attorney 'off the record' and he stated that he knows he will lose this case and so he is trying his best to have BM settle...She refuses to settle and has 'irrational' demands (we knew this!)
-BM's attorney also stated that her parents were sick of wasting their money on her sake of revenge, and that she wasn't paying them back for their loans and that was the end of it.

2. BM has filed a motion for contempt for FDH paying child support late...However, he paid her within the month...(I've heard that there are 90 days after the 1st of the month to produce the money..he has them take it from his check now so there will be no more incidents)...this pissed us off a bit
-BM thinks she can ignore the CO and take SS2 or keep SS2 whenever she chooses, for this our attorney says we have grounds for filing a motion for contempt...
-As well, BM constantly refuses to work with us on the 'right of first refusal', although we never fail to be for this, our attorney has subpoena'd her work schedule to possible face another contempt charge..oops!

3. Our date is 7/20 at 9:00 AM....I am so excited Smile !!

4. Step MIL (FDH's stepmom) has always been on BM's side, especially since BM has manipulated her...well, SMIL is visiting with FIL and family, so she has spent some time with me, FDH, and SS2...and guess what! evidently she called BM and told her that she should loosen up about stepmama because she is so good with SS2 and he loves her very have a feeling that is not going to make BM feel better in the least

In any case, this week has been a victory for us Smile