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Weather appropriate clothing, is it REALLY that difficult?

steplife's picture

So I lay out SD7 clothes the night before so it's easier/faster to get ready in the morning. Right now it's still pretty cold out (cancelled school last week one day for snow). I put out leggings and long sleeves to go under skirts/dress and t-shirt polo (required at school). I see SD this morning at breakfast and she says she is freezing and has a winter coat on zipped up.

ME: Did you put your long sleeves on?
SD: No
ME: Why not they were already under your Tshirt so all you had to do was put it on like it's one shirt? (It seriously takes more effort to pull the two shirts apart than to just pull it on!)
SD: Well I don't like the way long sleeves feel and I get hot at recess. (SD has signs of having a cold right now, I know for a fact SD always takes her coat off at recess so I was thinking well we can at least have her wear long sleeves to be warmer)
DH: Just leave her alone about it, she doesn't like to wear long sleeves!
ME: She already seems like she has a cold, its 35 degrees out right now, she has been sniffling and wiping her nose constantly this week so she needs to wear the sleeves to make sure she is warm since she always takes her jacket off.
DH to SD: Doesn't the teacher make you wear your jacket?
SD: Yes, but just before we go out to recess when we line up.
ME to SD: And you take it off as soon you get outside?
SD: Yes because we get hot at recess.
ME: Well if you aren't wearing the undershirt, I will make sure to let your teacher know you are not allowed to unzip your jacket at recess because I don't want you getting sick.
Dh: SD go put on your undershirt so the world doesn't end!

Me and DH have talked about weather appropriate clothing 1000 times. I had to put SD summer clothes packed away because EVERYTIME I tell her to get dressed she comes out in shorts, t shirt and flip flops. So to avoid this battle I just packed all those away so there are only appropriate choices available. DH agreed that she needs to be wearing the undershirts (Duh, this is common sense) but as soon as SD "doesn't like it" well then I'm "undermining his parenting" for making sure she is warm at school? How mean! And is he going to take of work if she gets more sick? Probably not and will ask me to watch her since I can make my schedule flexible.

Does anyone else have these issues? It just seems like common sense to wear appropriate clothing in the winter! No matter how skids "feel" about it.


SMof2Girls's picture

I don't have this problem. Know why? Because if DH can't respect what I'm saying, or EVER chooses to take the skids' side over something so clearly trivial but in their best interest, he immediately resumes 100% of the responsibility for everything skid-related.

I help out and contribute to the skids' care when they are in my home because I want to and because I love them. Not because I am obligated. The VERY second I start to feel unappreciated or taken advantage of, all the help stops.

Meals, laundry, baths/showers, picking out outfits, cleaning up, etc. ALL of it stops.

I refuse to be undermined by a child or undercut by my husband in my own home. REFUSE.

SMof2Girls's picture

And if DH ever expected me to stay home because my work schedule was more flexible than his, I would laugh in his face as I walked out the door on my way to the office.

DaizyDuke's picture

Ugh.. if your DH doesn't care then neither should you. that is how I survive. There have been days that temp has been right around ZERO and SD15 has come out of the house for school with NO coat on. Whatever. She's already (supposedly) had strep twice since September, had at least 2 colds and was "sick" another time. Oh well, if DH and SD are too dumb to figure out that her lack of proper attire is most likely a large contributing factor to the reason she's sick all the time, then whatever.

Funny thing is when SD used to live with GBM, DH would be the FIRST to bitch about how SD was always sick, how SD {gasp} didn't have a winter coat, blah blah blah... now she lives with us and it's the same old shit, except it's OK now apparently. (eye roll)

bearcub25's picture

We have had a lot of very cold temps here. Once these girls get into middle school/Jr High they wear hoodies instead of heavy coats....all of them do this. My DD would do the same thing and then wear long sleeved Ts in the summer.

BethAnne's picture

If she is running around at recess getting hot, then she won't die of hypothermia. She is 7, about time she started making choices about what she wears (at least with the summer clothes out of the way she can't go too far wrong). If you are worried, make sure she has a sweater in her backpack. She will not get more ill from playing out in the cold. If your husband wants to have an argument with her, he can. But personally I wouldn't be fussed myself. She'll be just fine, and you won't have to have the same argument every morning, so you'll be less stressed.

simifan's picture

So tell him - it's his kid - he is responsible & if she gets sick you will not be taking off work. Then follow through. I guarantee it won't last more then 1 sick day for him. & now you are not the bad guy.