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PAS does work for non- custodial parents also

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I am a BM as well as DH having his two. I have seen both sides, Step and Bio.
PAS comes from both sides.

Non custodial "friend" parents do alot of harm to the kids as well as their relationships with the custodial parent.

To clarify, guilty disney dads really screw with the kids perception of how life is, the reality. As a BM, my ex, who is disney to the extreme, has PAS'ed my bios against me to a degree, because you know I actually had TO BE the PARENT, while he is the buddy.

Facebook snooping uncovers info

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I have to say I snoop on DH's kids facebook, just to see if his estranged kids are still in the area, and if we have anything to worry about as far as theft, drama, ect.

What I found on his daughter...she is 20 and dating a 32 yr old, that screams daddy issues! :jawdrop:

Thank gawd we haven't heard from her in a while, I think she found her daddy in a relationship, and has moved on, for now anyway.

Very OT- don't look if you were offended by my blog on chick fila media distraction

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To defend my very off topic post from last week, I just wanted to say that was a huge distraction in the media to hide the US involvement in the Syrian crisis. The day of the huge flairup about chicken, the news media overlooked making as big of a deal on the president signing a covert op sending US taxpayer's money to support the rebels- who are foreign nationals and the anouncement that we can now fundraise here in the states for the rebels who are infiltrated by al Qaeda operatives.

Basic theme to all step issues

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My thoughts on the basic theme to all step-related issues are boundaries, logic and respect.

How I see step issues after having been through them, basically it boils down to if a person divorces and chooses to get into another relationship THEY have to be the ones to establish clear boundaries between the life they HAD and their CURRENT life within the context of logicical and reasoned actions and thought patterns that show profound respect to the current SO, spouse, ect.

SKIDS stealing

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You know, we haven't had contact with them in 1 to 2 years, and every once in a while they like to remind us that they still hate us, and they are grown.

It's insignificant, but a small outdoor thing from our porch was of a set. You ask, "how do you know it was them?". I just know, as something similar happened before- I can't give much detail on what because it would give detail into who I am, if the little darlings found this blog- but I had called the police about the first incident where I told the police who I suspected, they investigated and yes, it was them.

Egged truck. SKIDS involved!

stepintexas's picture

Although my DH's kids are PAS'd out, we still get the fun "treats" from them. Last night it was egging our truck, I KNOW it was other vehicles in our neighborhood were egged. Just like when our license plates were stolen. I called the cops on the license plates... when I told the local police officer who I thought did it, wouldn't you know, he knew DH's daughter and not in a good way. They investigated, and sure enough it was her, her cousin, and her friends. Soo, another gift to us from the Spawns of Medusa. I wish they would all fall off the ends of the earth!