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stepgirlfriendfurmom's picture

Hi everyone, been a long time since I posted, but I keep up on the site just have not had much to post about. It has come to our attention that there is someone who BM used to spend time with, but no longer does and has called BM a bad person and a bad mom, who I found on social media. Knowing this and seeing that this person is no longer friends with BM on any social media, would you message the person to ask them to elaborate and see what you could find out? I am torn about doing it. I partly want to bring it up to my DH and then the other part of me wants to make an account with a vague name just asking the guy why he said what he said. My worry is it would be obvious that it is my DH inquiring, but if this guy really doesn't associate with BM anymore, does it matter?

Deep down I think it is a bad idea, but that does not change the temptation that is there. 


CastleJJ's picture

Don't go down that rabbit hole. You don't need to know why he feels this way about BM. Even if you did reach out and this guy tells you everything, what is there to gain from it? Absolutely nothing. Just live your life and don't give BM the headspace. 

ESMOD's picture

There is no upside to you doing this.  Leave it alone.  don't let your morbid curiosity bring drama into your life.  and a bitter ex?  not a great testament.

CajunMom's picture

Nothing good will come from this. I know several people who've done this...reached out to ex's of BMs to get info. Every last one backfired on them. The BMs were all notified which then led to another round of BS. Don't do it. 

caninelover's picture

Not your business.  Stay out of it.