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Discovery for BM

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We received our discovery on September 15th and had it returned by October 4th. H and I worked real hard to get together all things they asked for and in on time. BM's discovery was sent to her the second week in October due back November 21st. Well BM lawyer informs today that BM stated she never got the discovery papers! WHAT?

Our lawyer called us in Sept and said hey I have ya'lls discovery to answer I sending it out we need to get working on it. We got it the next day. We were in touch with our lawyer at least weekly till we turned it in. And not just us calling lawyer but her contacting us as well. Now lawyer has to send to BM lawyer since she has one she cannot deal directly with her. Would you not be on top of it if you were BM and being taken back to court? BM lawyer said she expected to have them to us in the next couple weeks. So I ask our lawyer does that include holidays as BM will drag this out as long as she can! I think it should include the holidays in the 2 weeks as she will have had almost 3 months to do hers.

my theory is that BM has had them all along she just is scared to answer the questions about employment and her other nasty behavior as she will be covering her grave. Plus BM has lost her job yet once again and our lawyer really questioned her about her employment. It really aggravates me that she can drag this out. Even more is we have to pay our lawyer to communicate with BM lawyer cause BM not doing what she is suppose to be doing!