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The acceptable childcare question

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many responded to my earlier post about my ss's BM allowing her boyfriends oldest daughter who is 14 to keep ss, her sisters 9 and 11 and ss little brother who is not even 18mths. many said they would not feel comfortable with that, or it was too much on a 14 years old, how much were they gonna pay her and how mature is she? Well no they are not going to pay her I think that is the only reason the girls are going to be there all summer(usually there only every other weekend and I wonder if their BM knows this)is to keep my ss and his little brother. We have asked BM if on Wednesday's on our night when he spends the night could he just stay here on Thursday and we would get a sitter or he could go to family and not get up at 4:30 to meet BM at 5....of course she said no way in hell. For those who do not know we are about to go back to court to get CS modified and the parenting plan modified so we are doing good to get our scheduled time with him and she has not even gotten the petition to modify CS or parenting plan she just got the change of venue request and is pissed so no we cannot get any extra time. She is giving ss a hard time and making him feel bad cause our 1st week with him is in 2 weeks and we are going to the beach and he is super excited and way back to the summer child care situation. The 14 yr old and her maturity...well not to be mean but she is a 14yr old with bleach blond hair that dresses like a you know what and could very well be pregnant before she reaches her senior year. So that worries me. Also ss is very different at BM's... he yells at her back talks and does not mind so what are the chances of him minding the oldest girl when things are not going his way. It is really nothing against the 14yr old it is just that is too much for her and what if something happened. I think I am going to let our lawyer know about this and see what she thinks.