stepfamily222's Blog
forgotten belongings
I'm frustrated because SD 14 almost 15 forgets belongings each week. She's generally a good kid involved in extra curricular a and good in school, a bit jealous if our two kids I think and sometimes bullies but that's besides the point, we have written a list of belongings on her mirror and ask her every transition day to please comb through it and make sure she doesn't forget anything.
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Sd14 mother expediting the trial pushing for decision making
So, DH ex, sd14 mother, is pushing to expedigate the trial which means she's aiming to skip the next 2 judge reccomend mediations and go straight to trial to get decision making so that she is abme to pick the one HS we said no to. There are a lot of great private HS we gave as options and we said the only one we couldn't do was the single handed only one her mother pushed for.
Continuous Custody battle - 14 years and going
So recently my SD mother has taken my husband back to court for more custody. They have not been in court since 2016 and this started in 2021 she is asking for more time with SD 14 because she feels that she can take her to more sports etc. then we can. The backstory on that is that she has signed her up for pretty much everything under the sun which makes it impossible for us to be able to do all of it considering we have a total of four children and two businesses.
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Constant up and down Step daughter issues
So SD14 is always on the go because her mother has signed her up for everything under the sun basically because she gives SD14 anything she wants, anything, and knows we can't keep up with it with our schedule because we have 2 of our own, son 3 and daughter 5 and SS9. We have always said 1 sport per season and her mother keeps signing her up for travel sports and regular sports in school. So basically SD14 only expects everyone to be running around for her constantly, no family time relaxing just running and meeting her demands. She is extremely entitled like her mother.
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High school battle
So SD14 has been given all the amazing options of schools around our area. The ONE single one we said no to (only because of distance, not financial which it happens to be one of the most expensive ones around here, $42k) is about 30 mins away from us. She wants to play high school sports along with travel sports which cost about 7-8k a year. We said no to travel a couple years back but her and her bio mother bullied my DH into giving sweet princess her way. Since then she thinks the sun rises and sets on her behind. Literally we are always running on the road for her.
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SD14 mean and nasty to our own daughter5
My SD14 is nasty as hell to pretty much everyone in the house unless she wants soenthing. She's manipulated by her mother who hates that she is ever close with her family over here. She my stepson9 who is from a different mother has a great relationship with me, my husband, our son3 and our daughter5. We all mesh well except for SD14. It has to be about her 25/7 and running for her everywhere or getting and doing things for her. She's so terribly jealous of our little two 3 and 5 but especially the 5 year old. She's also jealous that SS9 is close with our two littles.
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