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stepemma's picture

I'm at a place where I am emotionally and mentally drained, to the point where I feel absolutely defeated after we have SS (4Y) over for the weekend. I have 2 biological daughters of my own (23M and 1M) so we are already going through a transition period of welcoming a new baby into our family, but my SS is an absolute brat. His behaviour is ridiculous and my older daughter is now starting to mimic it. He's only 4 and already trying to emotionally manipulate those around him; using "alone time" as an excuse not to do as he's told, or to be mean to his sister. He cries like a baby at the slightest things to try and get his way, screams at us and his sister when he doesn't like something, he refuses to do as we ask, rude to us. Just acts like a spoiled only child (which he is at BM house) I usually am the parent who is able to keep cool and have never ending patience with him but since I was pregnant for the second time I'm finding it hard to be around him and have a good attitude. My SO has a hard time dealing with the behaviour even more so than me. I'm starting to feel resentment towards my SS and I am dreading the times we have him. I want my daughters to have a relationship with their brother and I want to be a good influence in this kids life but I don't know how to do it without pushing myself over the brink of insanity lol. 


JRI's picture

Yes, of course you are exhausted!    You just gave birth.  It's time for a come to Jesus talk with your SO.  He needs to parent his son!  It is time, right now, to straighten out this situation.  Your girls are always going to look up to big brother as a model.  Whatever it takes for SO, parenting classes, a parenting book, whatever.  He needs to do it.  This is not fair to you.

tog redux's picture

Your DH needs to step up and address this behavior. At 4, they will respond to the rules in every situation they are in, so he needs more rules and structure in your home, regardless of what BM does in hers. 

Winterglow's picture

Spell it out clearly to his father - either he gets a grip NOW or he could have to face taking care of ALL of the kids when you are hospitalized for nervous exhaustion. His call...