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step0702's picture

My husbands X does not even have custody of her son. I have busted my butt to give my all to him. I have three boys of my own. When he first came here he sucked the life out of me daily and was very demanding of my attention. He has totally taken to my 13 year old and pushed me 11 year old to the side. He demands all of our attention. I have catered to him. Christmas I tried to make fair. Needless to say he went to his Moms family on Christmas. Came home with an xbox 360, PSP, Phone, camera etc etc. I realize that his mother is his mother and I can never replace her. but how do I balance with my own children? I am frustrated.


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Good question. I deal with it here daily. All I can really say is I hear ya and you're not alone.

StepDeux's picture

With my kids, I just explain that life's not fair. I know that sounds harsh but I do it nicely. For the kid that may get more, I make sure that there is no bragging and that the extra item(s) are controlled or left with my XH. We also have the house rule that everyone shares everything, or the owner can't play with it.

I know it's hard when you do your best for your children and children that aren't even yours and then someone else steps in and gets to play Disney mom or dad and not only seem awesome to the one kid for all the presents, but also cause a separation in the house.

Nothing about this steparent or blending families stuff is easy.

step0702's picture

Thank you for the replies. Yes...blended families are a lot of work. I am happy my husband and I are on the same page!!