The biggest joke I ever heard
This one is terrific, BM found out we are trying to have a baby, Her response was that it is not fair to SS. He will not be the only child anymore. Also said she would be mad at us for this. SS told her that we wanted a baby mind you. Not his place. Then she proceded to ask if she could be the god-mother. Did this bitch just fall off her rocker. There is no way in hell I would let that happen, she can bearly take care of her on kids. Just thought ya'll could us a laugh!!
- step mom of 1's blog
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You've got to be kidding me....
Why on earth would she think for one second that you give a rats ass what she thinks? Are you kidding me?? "SS will not be the only child anymore".... and?.... Oh... I didn't see that part... she is going to be mad at you?? Well in that case you shouldn't have your baby.... you likely shouldn't have married DH either... In fact, you should call BM before you do ANYTHING... and make sure that she is ok with it, you wouldn't want to make her mad would you? HA!
I just had a thought...
You know, for some of you ladies out there that have these controlling BM's who believe that they should be running your home, I think it would be hilarious if you really DID try to call and ask BM for permission for EVERYTHING, LOL... picture it... calling her every five minutes to ask if SK should do this or that, can have this or that, what do you think I should wear tomorrow, I mean, drive her batty for a change! LOL.
P.S... didn't read far enough, but guinnessgirl said it first! OOPS! LOL... see what happens when you're alllwaaayyyssss catching up! LOL.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
That's how I feel. I feel like what am I waiting for. Maybe I could find something else to make her mad for 9 months.Sure the baby will be enough, but I need something else. Maybe she sould tell me when to go to the restroom. HAHA
Well YEAH... where to piss, how to wipe.... didn't you know this stuff??
Good Lord.
I doubt she's as concerned with him not being the "only child" as she is that she's no longer the "only mother."
~ Anne ~
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Ding ding!
On the nose! Good ol'Anne - always hits the mark!
Blueberry's Baby
Your BM
I would say is in the lead today for the BM with the biggest balls contest!!! OMG
LOL I just told Fiancee
just a few minutes ago that that our BM is so controling that she'd want to control when or if we have a baby. I was only saying it to drive a point home, who the hell thought that anyone would be crazy enough to actually try and do it. What is wrong with some of these BMs?
Sounds like bm just wants to
Sounds like bm just wants to be the only one who shares that connection with him. When your baby is born she won't be able to pull out the "I am the mother of your children" card.
Ding da ding ding!
That's it!
Anne said same above!
I HATE that "she's the mother of my children" crap! So am I - unfortunately, ours never made it to birth, but I mothered your child too a**hole!
Our BM-1 even broadcast her opinion on what state we live in! As if it makes a difference - the skids are a plane-ride away no matter what and all but 1 are (nearly) over 18!
You know, this "dibs" crap and "I got there first" bullsh*t is so childish!
Speaking to BM now... The poor man made a mistake when he married you, dear. Maybe you did when you married him, too. He's such a different man now! He had time to make his dreams come true between me and you and I'm the woman he fell in love with when he was a grown man! Grown beyond his penis and his loneliness - if he'd only had patience, he'd have waited for ME! It's sad that kids were produced by your mistakes, but honey you cannot hold that over his head any more because they're grown-ups now too!
If you have even a shred of respect for your children's father (after all, he is constantly stating that you deserve mercy for your nuttiness as the mother of his children...) you will let him have a happy life! Move on!
Blueberry's Baby
Hard to top that one ...
.... but the (now-ex) wife of a friend of mine tried to argue to the judge that she should have the right to approve or veto any potential girlfriend of her (soon-to-be-ex) husband's. I guess she didn't realize that "divorce" means she no longer gets a say in his love-life!
friend and her soon to be ex husband had him get a vasectomy before their divorce. They both decided for the kids sake that at least he would not have another family, and bring more turmoil to his childrens lives.
Control freak
Talk about a control freak - what about a MAN's right to choose!!!
I agree Krissy
What is the responibility of a God Mother? To raise a child when the mother and father die!!! It is almost like she wants to be the Godmother just waiting for her to drop dead so she can have BF back and be a family. That is how I am taking this. CREEEEEEEEEEPY!!!
I think I am more shocked at her asking to be the GODMOTHER OF YOUR BABY than anything else. I couldn't come up with that if I tried. It's so scary that it's funny and it's so funny that it's not.
I agree that the "she's the mother of my child" card is bullshit. Apparently some women can do the most evil, vile things in life but if they spread their legs and 9 months later birth a man's spawn, he's her defender for life. WhatEVER. I loved my DD's BF, but it didn't work out and I don't think I have EVER uttered the HTFOMC phrase unless maybe in explaining to my family who hate him why I let him have contact with DD. And even than it's more like "He's her father" and I am nowhere in that statement. Do men forget that they can impregnate virtually any fertile woman on earth if she granted him permission??? Christ on a bicycle. What a bunch of wienies.
That is what took the cake
That is what took the cake for me. Not the fact that she does not want me to have a baby. Because I could care less what she wants. If my ss said he did not want a sister or brother that would be another story, but he is thrilled by the idea. It was that she actually thought that she was going to be a GODMOTHER to my child. My husband says that she is just CRAZY and not to worry about it. He has even sat down ss to talk about daddy & me having another baby, he was great about it . He asked alot of questions, like where babies come out of and things like that. But he has a wonderful father who answer all the questions. So as far as her feelings WHO CARES!!!
I agree
Sounds like bm does want to be able to be the only bm in his life. I guess sometimes it makes some women feel like they have the upper hand. Sometimes my dh will say "well, she is the mother of my children," in a effort to try and compartmentalize her. But I have to say that it makes me want to puke. The way I take it and what his intentions are are two different things. He too had a vasectomy after ss was born then bm left a couple of years later. I don't know who wanted it, or if there were ulterior motives, but it sucks that if I wanted a child with Dh that it has already been decided that I can't. Mil would probably blow a gasket if I wanted one any way-but that is another story! Boy, am I going off on tangents and just rambling tonight! SM of 1, I just really wanted to say that I think it is great that your ss is excited about the baby. That is so cool. My best to you and your family.
Take care!!
Georgie Girl
A lot.......
Hello "Step mom 1" you and I have so much in common it is scary. Only you just seem to be a few years behind me. I read your bio. anyways I am so sorry you are dealing with the issues you are dealing with I have a crazy BM too, she could be a clone of yours, many kids from all different fathers, in and out of jail, drug addict, alcoholic, does not have custody of any of her kids, but claims that they were not taken away from her she gave them to the fathers for other reasons. Certifiably psycho. (how I know this she had to take some sort of test when the court was determining custody and this is one of the many reasons why she did not get custody). Anyways my DH and I have been together for 10 years also and I have been having to deal with these issues for a long time, as well just like you and I have one child with DH, and let me tell you BM was not too happy that I was having a child with DH but of course I could care less what she though or my Stepchildren thought, it was not there decisson to make not to mention that my son is almost 2 years old and to this day she has never seen him in person and she never will, it will be a cold day in hell before she comes any where near my son! If you ever need any personal advice let me know I am a veteran. Take care hope all is going well I noticed you have not posted for a while.
stuff in common
I am starting to notice that I have stuff in common with alot of ya'll. I just always figured I was alone in this. I have not posted in a while because all is quiet for the time being. For how long I am not sure but I am waiting for the phone call!!
Once my Bf
One time when my BF was angry with me about an issue with BM he tossed out the "Well she is the mother of my children." My response was. "I'm really sorry it worked out that way." lol
Thats funny!
sooo true isn't it.
I will have to remember that one. I just LOVE it!
Oh boy!
BM really has her know I am a product of a blended family and it wasn't easy...but it my experience the only time you have problems with BM's is when they are still in love with the BF...if they are not and have moved on...less problems...unfortunately I have put myself into one of those situations and it's hurtful as hell..the lengths my fiance goes to to pacify her every little whim....I don't quite know what to do about my situation because I'm very much in love and I don't want to loose him....but more and more everyday it seems as though I never had him in the first place.