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SS13 Came Downstairs asking what "Vain" means. . . Can't make this stuff up

step off already's picture

SS has "vain" as a vocabulary word this week. He comes downstairs asking what it is. And I said, "you know how we had to move the mirror our of our room and put it in your room because you kept coming in to stare at yourself in the mirror? Well, that describes someone who's vain."

SS says he doesn't get it. DS10 and DS9 are laughing as they have extensive vocabularies and they know what it means.

DH says, "you are vain. when you keep staring at yourself, that means you're vain."

SS says, wait I don't get it. Then he goes to get the dictionary and reads, "conceited, having a high opinion of one's appearance"

Then he says, "wait, i don't get it"


step off already's picture

And I'm not kidding about the mirror. I had a cheap full length mirror in my room, but he kept walking right in to stare and pose. So I moved it right outside of my bedroom door, which is a common area, but that just meant we all had to watch him stand in front of the mirror. So then I moved it back into my room.

Then I finally gave up and told him to take the mirror up to his room.

He thought it was one of the nicest things I've ever done for him.

step off already's picture

LOL. In re-reading this and thinking about it, I think he really couldn't get past the fact that we kept saying "you", which of course made him think of himself and not listen to the rest of what we were saying.

He's not the sharpest, but he is also extremely, extremely vain.

... he probably thinks this post is about him }:)

Unfreakingreal's picture

This reminds me, I need to buy my BS16 a mirror for his room. He comes into my room 100 times a day to look at himself and flex his muscles. He too is the King of Vain Central.
I guess it beats the alternative of him being insecure and self conscious. I just need him out of my room, he takes my hairbrush and that irritates the shit outta me.

Unfreakingreal's picture

LOL, Mairin, NO DUCK FACE! He actually REALLY hates it when people do that. He has a vey low tolerance for stupidity and he makes it known too.

Goincrazy40's picture

My SS (smart kid with no common sense) probably wouldn't get this either. He is too damn cool also. He spends 99% of his time flipping his Justin Beiber hair out of his eyes. Boy do I want to slap him silly every single time he does it. I just want to scream at him that he looks like a moron and he IS NOT COOL!

Tuff Noogies's picture

BAHAHAHAHAA!!!!! i know exactly what you mean!!!!! it's a compulsive neck twitch with a massive head thrust. worse than a tourettes tick as it jolts their whole body into the movement.

noway70's picture

My nephew does that, too!
His brother once asked him if he was trying to jumpstart his brain.
Had a laugh on that one!