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I can't belive BM took my SD out of school for this crap!

A STEP ahead of you's picture

This moring we get a phone call from BM, Bf answers and BM says, "I know you have my brothers ipod nano, i'm taking you to court so you can pay for it." BF says, "WTF are you talking about, we don't have or need your shit take me to court you can't prove shit!" BM screaming at this time says, "I have a recipt stating I bought the nano!" BF than says, "Good for you, we don't even have a nano we have an ipod touch." BM screams, "Well be ready to go to court!" and than hangs up. (The nerve of that B*TCH!!!)

So half hour passes by, one of a sudden SD10 was at the front door. She comes in saying, "mom wants me to look for the nano." with a sad face. BF asked SD, "Did you bring the nano to our house?" SD says, "No, my mom said she is take me to court along with you dad." WTF, what mother tells her own daughter that?!!!!
SD then looks every where like carzy, my BF and I helped SD look for the nano, WE didn't find no nano in my house, i knew it too! So SD goes outside to tell her BM she didn't find it. BM than tells her, "Go look for it and if you don't find it your living with your dad!!!"

Bm left SD at our house, BM took daughter out of school at 9:00am to come to our house to look for a nano, are you f$ucking for real?!!! SD had party after school today, that BF and i have already paid for! So we got over the drama an a hour passes by, than i get a text on my cell phone from BM saying, "You guys are so fucking ghetto, i can't belive you!" I text back saying "Don't fucking text me, i don't owe you anything. BM than text me back saying, "Your a theft!" i text back saying, Ghetto and theft? Please b*itch I'm not the one doing time in jail like ur loser brother!" BM text back saying. "My brother didn't steal u cow!" I repled, Nope he did worse, ur the cow lol! plus ur a sad bitch , telling ur daughter ur taking her to court u sad bitch! BM than says, " i want my nano back u low life bitch!" i say, " Low life? please that award goes to u and ur BF, both all old and still living with mommy and daddy, plus ur BF has no money to come and see u lol! BM repleyed, " Fuck u, ur BF was the one that doesn't help me with our kids!" i say, " Umm we have 50/50 so what we buy for skids stays here and what u buy stays at ur house dumb ass, stop being a lazy ass and find urself a better job so u can stop being a low life." BM repleys fuck you bitch!" I got broed of BM crap and didn't text back.

Since i didn't text back, BM calls my MIL to tell her we stold her ipod nano, and my MIL calls ME not BF but ME and says that BM called MIL tells me CRYING, "I don't like how you guys talk to BM." I told my MIL she talks to us like that and plus we don't have her nano we have a better ipod we don't need BM's." MIl than says, I belive u and my son and i told BM that u guys don't have it." I say. "tank u." and we hang up. All this drama for a ipod nano that BM probably lost, BF said, BM probably lost it in her drity room since she is so messy and careless."

Why would BM take my SD out of school for her drama?


Steppedup's picture

I was once married to a guy who suffered from BPD.

Are you qualified to make a guess in that direction? Are you a psychiatrist? Have you treated the ex?

3bk1sd's picture

I wouldn't even respond to the foolishness. We delete our crazy emails from BM and pretend we never even saw them.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

"Yes, BM, we got the email, but we didn't have a Crazy to English dictionary, so we weren't able to read it. Sorry."

mmmpork's picture

It's tough but when BM attacks you like that, don't respond via text. Write a proper email making a statement as if you were addressing the court. That way you have a statement on record that sounds calm and mature and it's clear where the crazy is coming from. Do NOT engage, especially over text messages.

Also regarding taking the daughter out of school, you should also make a statement about the inappropriateness of that. If she regularly disrupts the daughter's school schedule for this kind of nonsense, you should probably see what your options are legally regarding aiding and abetting truancy. That sort of behavior is disruptive to the kids so be sure to document it.

mom2five's picture

My heart hurts for that poor child. I can't imagine a child having to live in the situation you just described.

Mom taking her out of school is the very least of her problems.

antidrama's picture

She only wins that game because she now has a written record of you speaking to her in a such a derrogatory manner. It's SOOOO tempting to give her a piece of your mind, BUT it only makes everything worse. I would just stay out of it from now on and don't even give her the time of day. IGNORING her will piss her off more than profanity filled text battles.

mom2five's picture

Me either. I don't even think I've ever known an adult who uses language like that. That's just a world completely foreign to me. That child doesn't have a chance. And that really makes me sad.

Stick's picture

A STEP - Yes you engaged with BM. I completely feel for you, having done so recently myself. On that one - chalk it up to a weak moment. And yes, it could give BM fodder, but we are only human.

My big concern is the child in all of this. Not only did BM pull her out of school for something so trivial, she brought her to your home, and threatened this poor girl. Not that living with you full time is a threat, but it was definitely meant to hurt the child.

If I were you or your DH, I would start documenting this kind of stuff. I also would have your husband talk to his daughter the next time they are alone to make sure that she is "okay", and to just let her know that he understood why she had to come look for it, and that he isn't angry with her.

That kid is going to need some therapy with a BM like that. It's sad.

The next time BM threatens you with court - have your DH tell her, GO AHEAD because then we can take SD from you and this kind of stupidity!!

THE Wifey's picture

I blocked psycho wh0r3 BM and her b&%$h of a mother from my phone. I wish FDH could do the same.

StepMadre's picture

It's so hard to resist the bait when a nasty BM tries to start conflicts and I think most of us on here have taken the low road at some point and so we all understand how hard it is and that it takes time to disengage and not let the BM get to you. I used to react to BM's nastiness all the time and it only led to tons of conflict and misery and our petty fighting escalated, rather than cooling down or being resolved. In some ways I don't regret the things I've said to BM because I needed to get it off my chest and I think that she needed to hear the things most people are too polite to say to her. Now, I just ignore her completely and I refuse to respond to her baiting behavior. If I gave in and responded to her, she would be thrilled and get what she wants (a reaction out of me). I don't give her the satisfaction and I make it clear that I think she is lower than pond scum and not worthy of my attention in any way. She got really pissed at first and her bitchiness got worse for a while as she desperately tried everything she could to upset me and drag me into another fight with her. She finally gave up and it's made my life soooooo much better! Disengaging is really hard, but it's totally worth it in the end and will be better for your whole family if you can work towards a low/no contact relationship with BM. Good luck, because that woman sounds absolutely crazy and totally vile.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I find it especially difficult to disengage or ignore when you KNOW that you are infinately smarter than the BM in question, and can easily outwit her and humiliate her in an argument. Also difficult when you are hands down in the right on an issue.

But you're right, StepMadre, the ONLY way to truly win is not to let the bitches get a rise out of us.

*this said while I'm digging my fingernails into my own beet red palms to keep from ripping BM a new one for disappointing my little bumblebee, SS12*