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Court system sucks!

Ssamantha's picture

Well, once again the court works in the favor of the deadbeat. FDH sent a motion to the court and BM on 1.26 for a 2.25 hearing date to get a visitation schedule set and child support adjusted. She waits until 2.14 to try and ask for an adjournment and today they gave it to her even though she didn't have a good reason. FDH spoke to the clerk and he said the judge always grants the first adjournment no matter what the reason.

FDH even faxed a response to the judge (like the clerk told him to last week) telling the judge that BM moved without telling him, lied and sent her live-girlfriend to pick the kids up, refuses to tell FDH when she plans to visit, the visitation schedule on file is out-dated and he has no idea when she plans to exercise her visitation.. Nothing.

What a waste even typing up a response. It's so frustrating.


Rags's picture

Keep in mind that the bottom 10%ers of the legal profession who gravitate to family law at all levels are in this to stay employed. If they actually did their jobs efficiently and effectively ~80% of them would be unemployed. This applies to the judges too.

All IMHO of course.

Hang in there.

Ssamantha's picture

Thanks! I googled the judge last night and it looks like he had been censured a couple of years ago for sending inappropriate emails to his former clerk and using his position to get her a job in his new court. Great!