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Ssamantha's Blog

Do your parents dislike your stepkids?

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I complained about my skids to my parents for years and they thought I was over-exaggerating and being dramatic. When they first met them, they went overboard trying to be "step-grandparents". Well after spending more time with them because of the birth of my DD, they began to see I wasn't exaggerating. We just took a four day vacation together and now my parents can't stand them. My mother is extremely hesitant to visit our home which affects the time she spends with DD.

Therapist is going to tell DH that he has to do some serious work!

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I am back in therapy because of my bitterness and resentment towards SD15 and SS12. They have become the laziest, most entitled children ever. I thought that since their BM is out of the picture and they are in a stable household, things would improve. WRONG. I just had my first child 8 months ago and I can't even trust my SD15 to spend more than five minutes alone with her. Last time I did that, she wiped her face with a toy and surface wipe (Similar to when she wiped down my Yorkie with a Clorox wipe).

SS11 is going to get me a discount on the mortgage!

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For the past couple of months, DH has been allowing SS11 all day access to the PS4 that's in the family room. I have literally watched this boy play from 1 or 2 in the afternoon to 9 or 10 at night. In the family room. Next to the dining room that's next to the kitchen. Me and SD14 pretty much stay in our rooms because he is on a headset yelling at his friend that is playing the game too. He is so loud, it's ridiculous and he monopolizes the TV. On the rare occasions when DH plays on it, SS11 yells at him like he is an idiot and tells him every move to make.

Can I resign from my chauffeur duties?

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For the past six years, I have been driving SD14 and SS11 to school. Now that SD14 is in high school, she goes to a different school, so I drop them off at two different schools every morning. I've never liked doing this, but outside of DH's retired parents, I'm the only one (DH has to be at work early). They both sit in the car with me in silence and it's awkward and I just hate it. Now that I'm pregnant, I am looking to the future where when I go back to work, I will be looked to to drop off three kids to three different places EVERY WEEKDAY morning. This is too much for me.

BM looking for sperm donor

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Someone told us that BM is looking for a sperm donor. She has been mentally and physically abusive to SS11 and SD14 and they stopped dealing with her 1.5 years ago and we have them full-time since then. Plus she refuses to pay child support.

Now she is looking for a sperm donor. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone.

School Finances with skids and biological kids

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I am due to give birth to my first child in August and DH and I are very excited. I've even started looking at private schools. I made mention of this to a friend and she made the comment that she didn't know how we would be able to afford private school/college for 3 kids (SD14, SS11, and our daughter). I told her that the skids don't attend private school because DH can't afford it since he doesn't get a dime from BM and raises them fulltime.

I'm pregnant....hiding it from BM!

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I'm pregnant and me and DH have made the decision to hide it from BM because it will most likely set her off and maybe even cause her to move back to our state. She has kept her distance from the kids for the most part after they cut her off. We just told the kids the other night and asked them to keep the information to themselves and not even tell their mother's side of the family. They agreed completely! They even said that they knew their aunt would tell their mother immediately and their mother would be upset.

Cutting off BM's family

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I haven't been on here in a couple of years. My skids finally realized in 2012 how crazy and abusive their BM was and have now refused to have a real relationship with her. My SD refuses to speak to her and my SS will only do it every once in a while so she doesn't go completely crazy. During this time, we have remained on a courteous basis with BM's sister and her mother. We invite them to our home for the kid's birthday parties and even take BM's niece on trips to the zoo and other places.

Want to surprise stepkids with Disney!

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I have two stepkids, 9 and 12. Their mother sees them two weekends a month and lives about 10 hours away (this is the second time she has moved away from her children) My DH and I like to vacation every year and due to drama and scheduling with BM, we have not been able to take the kids on a real vacation. DH finally got tired and asked BM if he could take the kids on a cruise that leaves the country. She put up a big fuss and stated that she would need to go along which of course he refused. She finally said yes after being confronted by the children.
