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Our History as horrific as it comes in my mind....

spittenfire's picture

We are in the middle of a child custody ss is 9 and the sole focus is to get him to a safe and stable environment.

Here are our stated changed circumstances....

*BM interferes and frustrates visitation on a weekly basis and on multiple occasions has refused visitation
*BM frquently harasses DH during parenting time sometimes texting up to 20 times a day
*BM has agreed to alternate parenting time and was in force without problem for 9 months then one weekend she calls the police on DH and they inform DH he has to leave the rodeo and SS is to remain with BM. SS was bawling and crying and did not understand why DH was leaving without him
*After above mentioned incident BM reverted back to CO except instead of the ordered Wednesday night we had to take thursday because he has "church"
*BM signed SS up for 2 basketball leagues that ran at the same time so SS was practicing 14 hours a week total. So of course he was practicing everynight DH was just going to have to drive an hour to watch his practice for his parenting time.
*BM expected DH to take SS on my DH birthday to not one but 2 games on his parenting weekend. My DH refused to take him to one and told her that she should have notified us of this more than 2 days before the games were scheduled. That he was not obligated to take him to any activities on his parenting time but he would be there for the competitive league he played. Multiple texts and threats ensued.
*BM punished DH for not taking SS to that 1 game on his time on his birthday by not allowing DH to pick SS up for his Weekend visitations until after his scheduled games on Saturdays. Had to fight and threaten tooth and nail every weekend but of course she gets away with it.
*BM refused to let my then 13y/o BD watch SS over christmas break because of a "Daycare" clause and the fact that she has final approval....well she did not approve of a immature 13y/o watching a "poor innocent" 8 yo boy.
*BM decides to play pool league on tuesday nights and leaves ss with her dying bedridden mother who was on hospice
*BM decides after her mother dies rather than letting SS stay with us the night she has pool league he will stay the night with a friend because he would be to tired from the hour drive in the morning from our house to school
*BM decides to start staying with her new boyfriend but trys to hide it from us
*SS absent from school several days when we know he was not sick one day we call the homephone and get the new girlfriend of the grandpa and ask to speak with BM....not there.....can I speak with SS....not there....he finally asks did my son stay there last night. New girlfriends reply, "You know your gonna get me in trouble"! So then we cal BM cell and talk to SS, he is fine, went to creek today etc etc. DH asks to talk to BM asks here where they are at and why SS went to the creek and is not at home on a day he was called into school as being sick? her response, he did to go to school and we are home....really Dads Girlfriend just told us she has not seen any of you....her respone....we are in the bedroom???
*SS gets really sick and we have to take him to urgent care on our holiday weekend. Tell us hes having asthma attack....takes 2 breathing tx and a shot of steroid to control the attack. When BM is notified of this all hell breaks loose....he does not have asthma, the doctors a quack, something at your house is makeing him sick.
*BM lies to DH about when follow up is and he trys to get it later so he can attend with out missing more work, her response I had to call in so will you. DH show up the next morning at appointment time and office is not open. Yes SS was called out of school. He waits to office opens and not appointment made for him. When he leaves and text her she said they are not taking appointments today (they were he was just there) so it is tomorrow
*BM refuses to send inhaler, once again she says he dont have asthma... its something at our house making him sick.....luckily her dad had and extra inhaler?? It was the same medicine same dose sealed and not expired so we took it thank goodness wound up needing it.
*The Asthma situation finally led to the appointment of a GAL. SS has since spent 2 days in the hospital and I totally blame BM for not making approriate follow up appointments and getting us all involved on when to recognize an attack that is beyond the rescue inhaler and to get him to a doctor.
*GAL had to "strongly recommend" that SS attend the pediatrician follow up appointment that the hospital set because she was refusing to take him. But the hospital stated with his condition he needed to be seeing a pediatrician not a family physician. She still insists it is bronchitis caused by our house!!
*SS has missed 25 of 60 doses for one month from his newly prescribed maintence inhaler....we have the pictures as proof since the inhaler has a counter.
*BM forged DH name on financial responsibility documents at his dentist and bills were being sent in my DH name to her house where she did not give them to him. Instead we found out by accident when we literally went to every dentist and physician in the town to find out who his care providers were. She has now got a pending felony forgery charge
*BM stole boyfriends truck guns and other belongings with SS while unlicensed and then intentianlly wreaked the truck with SS watching, spent a night in jail, go out never called SS. Showed up to pick him up from shcool on Monday with the BF that filed all the charges on her and sent her to jail in the first place. Now she is taking him to counseling will give us details later and SS is not at school at all....and so we wait for lawyers and GALS and judges to decide the fate and saftey of DSS while i honestly believe BM is having a mental break.

Not sure how much more I can take... and no wont disengage, I have known my DSS his entire life. Im to invested in his safety and i love him very much!


StepKat's picture

Ya'll can nail her ass to the wall over the refusal to treat his asthma. Its medical neglect and I think I provided legal info on it on one of your other posts.

spittenfire's picture

Yes we can...but until hearings are set there is nothing we can do...GAL wont recommend emergency placement..DFS wont touch it because a GAL is already involved. So we are in a waiting game praying for the safety of SS and in the meantime trying to find a better lawyer before we fire the one we have who seems to only do anything once BM has one of her insance cycles. If we had known a year ago what we know now we would have called DFS long ago when she was leaving him with a dying bedridden grandmother.

DarkStar's picture

Horrific indeed!!!

What's even more horrific is how many similar situations there are out there. What IS it with this crazy BMs????

My heart and prayers go to you and your family. SS needs you, I hope justice is served.

spittenfire's picture

We just got word that School officials have hotlined BM for neglect as he is not at school yet again, crossing my fingers this will prompt the GAL to file an emergency motion. We also have the county sherriff going to both houses to check on his safety.