The last straw with BM
Hoping for some advice or guidance...
I've had serious issues with the BM of my SS11 and SD13 for the last 5 years non-stop, I've posted about it several times. It's been a very difficult year but somehow we have managed at least to keep our calm until recently when everything fell apart...
BM has been actively trying to alienate the children from my partner, and now it came out (in the middle of the night when my SS11 had a panic attack) that she's been trying to convince them to write to the judge to give her full custody. This is tearing both the kids apart, they have always and continue to express their wish to spend time equally with us both (which is what we have, 50/50 custody). She's been asking them to lie to us for the last year about this, also, and about plenty of other things, too. Finally they reached a breaking point, and so have we. I've told my partner that unless he puts severe boundaries in his communication with her and actively does something (preferably with legal implications) to combat the alienation and custody issues, I won't stick around. It's just too painful to watch my partner and stepkids (who luckily I have a great relationship with) go through this,
We've tried: mediation (she broke all agreements made there, although none were legally binding), grey rock method, ignoring her. We've been parallel parenting from our side for the last several years, she insists on tons of communication about her opinion of how things should be done, but has never once made a compromise or accepted anything we've proposed, so we stopped running anything by her unless it affects her house or schedule directly. I would love to somehow officially switch to "parallel parenting" and stop trying to delude ourselves that anything could possibly get better...BM refuses to change any of her behaviors and beliefs ("I'm the mother and that means I have all the power, period")
We haven't tried: Our Family Wizard (because it doesn't exist/isn't used in France where we live). Anyone had any luck with apps like this outside of the USA and Canada? Or methods of putting into place a communication method in the same spirit but without an app?
Any wisdom out there?
- SopranoKaty's blog
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Do you have any legally
Do you have any legally binding agreement?
Has the status quo always been 50/50?
A custody case is expensive. We have spent over 100K over the last 6 years. Does BM have the resources to be able to have a long battle? Can this be solved with one hearing?
If you have been 50/50 for years without a legal agreement, and can prove it, your DH just needs to get an attorney and file first. He who files first has the upper hand in court. You are looking at a fair and equitable parenting plan that has been the plan for years (it sounds like). A judge won't likely change that.
Thank you for your response
Thank you for your response
Yes, we do already have a legal agreement for shared custody 50/50, so this is completely out of nowhere. She's convinced the kids that they aren't "free" at our house (we just have rules and ask the kids to do their homework, you know, crazy stuff like that) so I think she is going for the "abuse" angle. Completely absurd, really. I think you are right though, a judge certainly shouldn't change that!
Is it possible to get the
Is it possible to get the kids into some type of therapy. that will give them an ear that isn't involved in all this. my hearts for them. and for you.
We had a HCBM and we never
We had a HCBM and we never used OFW. I think OFW is only an advantage if someone from the court views and cares about what is said. Without consequences, people just do whatever they want.
We just blocked BM from calling, and ignored the vast majority of her texts and emails.
PAS is terrible and I'm sure you are fed up with it, but there isn't anything you can do about BM's behavior. The only thing you can do is assure the skids that it is okay to love both sets of parents, and they shouldn't have to choose. Tell them they are not responsible for BM's happiness.
I don't know the laws in France, but here in the US, having a child write a letter to a judge wouldn't go favorably for the instigating parent.
I hope you are right about
I hope you are right about the letter! My common sense tells me that it wouldn't work, but she is awfully good at brainwashing them. Thanks for your thoughts, it's good to know I'm not alone!
I consider it child abuse.
Toxic Troll and SD16 SMPS are super enmeshed for a super long time. TT has her child so brainwashed that she doesnt believe that her mother would choke or slap her own child. Yep she said that to me.
Yet she did, more than once, slap and choke the eldest in front of the youngest and its on texts admissions from TT about it. Along w a "lol at least shes 18".
I considered it child abuse
I considered it child abuse also...but god, your story is much more insane! I'm so sorry!!!
I would take them to get therapy because it is definitely
mentally abusing them for sure, I mean it ended in a panic attack! I would seek for someone for them to talk to in the meantime.
I am sorry you all are going through this! It is disgusting with a bio parent doesn't care how what they are doing is hurting the kids as long as it benefits the bio parent themselves in some way.
Like others have said,
Like others have said, therapy is your best bet to help the children see that this is not their fault, to help them to think independently, and to help them to build coping skills.
There is nothing you can do to change BM. Clearly, her tactics have worked for her in some way and she likely has convinced herself (and others) that she is "only looking out for the best interests of the children".
In my situation, BM tied the kids up in knots. They would come to our house and regularly scream at DH "why do you hate mom?!" "why do you hate our family?!" This was in response to nothing. DH would say, "I don't hate your mom, we just don't get along very well, right now." He would tell them that they didn't need to worry about adult issues because both parents loved them...and on and on and on. The worst was when BM demanded a mediation because she said it was "traumatic" for one SS to come to our home. She then tried to force DH to agree to the kid seeing a "therapist" who works with lawyers to investigate child abuse. She then called DH's brother who agreed to meet and talk to Skid, but did so in secret, without telling DH. BM said she was going to get an affidavit from his brother and her father saying DH was abusive. This was all based on nothing...and really, I think she just wanted DH to pay her more CS. DH agreed at the mediation that Skids should both go to counseling (he actually requested it at the prior mediation), but BM only took them three times before deciding they didn't need to go anymore. DH went to two sessions with SKid (as he also agreed to) and that was where he found out they didn't go anymore. I think BM felt threatened because the counselor did not tell SKids that DH was a terrible person and a terrible father. In fact, in their joint session, the counselor said to SS, "you're lucky to have a dad who cares so much about you." In the session, this Skid said, "I was talking to mom about my relationship with you (DH) and she says it's bad." So, it's pure manipulation on her part, but I know she would swear to the death and say that SS was the one who said the relationship was bad, not her. DH's brother and mother then told DH this whole thing was his fault and he was just "at war" with BM. It ruined my relationship with the two of them and I think it also ruined DH's relationship with them, but because they're his family, he still tries to give them a pass, saying, "I think my brother's heart was in the right place." I'm not that generous.
Thank you for this really
Thank you for this really thoughtful and reassuring response, especially in that SO many of the things you mentioned are cut exactly from her playbook. The demanding mediation and abuse stuff in particular. You have to be so completely messed up in the head and pure evil to insinuate child abuse without any grounds or truth to the accusation. I mean, who does that.... How do you detatch from all of this? Can you, even? Are you angry all the time or can you manage? Because sometimes I feel like I'm going to explode with it all....
I also consider it child
I also consider it child abuse and think that due to the child's obvious reaction to it, I would call child protection and ask their opinion about what to do next? If he had bruises, we'd call them, wouldn't we? Then we should also call for psychological damage, in my opinion. This is very serious and can have lifetime negative impacts on the children.
Given the damage done, consider
I am in your same situation but after 11 years of it. Our skids BM was trying to get them to say bad things about their dad while recording them on her phone. She has never stopped messing with their heads. They still fiercly defend her, although she is a terrible mother.
Given the damage she has done, and will do to these stepkids in the future, you may want to discuss with DH giving her full custody. He has already lost his kids - he just doesn't know it yet. We have ours every other weekend - something DH agreed to so that BM would stop brainwashing his kids. Guess what? She didn't stop. He is going to be paying for these kids for the rest of his life, and they are going to hate him no matter how nice he is. Do you want to stick around for that? If so, you may want to keep your assets separate and live separately, so that the skids don't harm you too.
This is the sad truth...not
This is the sad truth...not matter what many fathers do in these situations, they have lost their children. It makes me so angry that mothers are not above destroying their children in order to get revenge or keep control. It also makes me so angry that they are able to convince society (and their children) that it was never about them, they were only "looking out for their children."
...yes and that's exactly
...yes and that's exactly what she says "I'm just doing what is best for the kids". right. Sometimes i have to hold myself back from screaming at her!!!
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry you've been going through this kind of a thing for 11 years. I hope you have enough support! At the moment the kids are still very happy when they are at our house--the panic comes on switching days or when all the drama builds up like this. I don't doubt, though, that our future may well be exactly as you described, especially if this BM keeps on her insane alienation track. I know my partner has briefly considered giving full custudy before, but only out of complete desperation, being so worn down by this BM, but he loves his kids so much, and I think they SO badly need to have his input to combat hers, that I think it's better not to do that...but...sadly, time will tell, and often I worry that indeed, you are right, they will start to hate him. god, how people be so awful!?!?!
Worked in our favour
It doesn't work out for everyone, but it worked in our favour, BM bad mouthed DH and I non-stop. But we made sure to undo that badmouthing without doing our own. "Mom" was met with "Does that sound right to you? Here's a picture of you and Dad when".... or "Does that sound right to you? Have you ever seen or heard your Dad (or I) acting that way to anyone!?" Or sometimes, "Mom doesn't like you", "Well that's unfortunate because we really don't know each other. But don't you worry about it, it's not your job to defend me. I just don't ever want to hear that you joined in saying mean things about your family here."
it worked. They learned quickly that only one person was lying to them, and only one person was stressing them out. That combined with other things was a big factor the kids spending more and more time at our house as they aged. They just hated the stress and the attempted loyalty war.
This is excellent advice,
This is excellent advice, thank you.
I'm not sure who in France is under mandatory reporter
requirements. If therapists are, get the Skids in front of one, Even it they are not legally required to report abuse, the kids could probably benefit from therapy to help counter BM's toxic crap.
Good luck.