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The wheels on the karma bus go round & round !

Sootica's picture

Oh happy day! I thought it would NEVER happen but DH has finally reclaimed his balls from BM's keychain. After banging my head against a brick wall for 3 years and after yet another massive arguement last weekend where I told him enough was enough and I didn't know if I wanted to do this anymore he FINALLY sent BM an e-mail stating the CS had to be amended.

Now before I get accused of being a stingy witch let me clarify BM works part-has done for last 4 years (SS is 10), her and DH have shared care. On the CSA calculator with DH wage he is suppose to be paying her £132 a month -primarily due to us having SS more than 175 nights a year (actually we are already up to 116 and she only on 97 to date- but thats a separate issue!). Anyway DH & BM were never married yet she managed to use every dirty trick in the book to convince him he needs to pay her more than the recommended CSA amount as she was struggling-even when her BF moved in a few years back which she emphatically denied-they married a few months ago after she "accidentally" fell pregnant AGAIN! So DH was coughing up £300 a month as well as school uniforms,school dinners and all extra curricular activties oh and also an additional £350 for the 11 plus tutor as well as holiday club over the school holidays -every school holiday on both our days and BM's days!

So after last weekend DH sends BM an e-mail that he is prepared to pay £150 plus all extra curricular activities-well talk about an explosion!! She threw an absolute hissy fit saying she can't manage on that amount and she wants the full £300 as she has direct debits coming out of her account and no money to pay them with and is going to the CSA, the stupid cow doesn't realise that according to the CSA calculator she is only entitled to £132 a month and not a penny more. We have now receieved a letter from the CSA requesting DH payslips so an amount can be agreed upon.Oh well..........lets watch the slow motion car crash in action Smile


Rags's picture

Why send the e-mail? Just file for an ammendment of CS and let BM find out when she is served. Do not give the opposition any more time to prepare than necessary.

And if all that DH is required to pay is £132/mo who has he been paying £300+++++?

Agree only on what the system requires him to pay. That leaves every £ more completely under your and DHs control and you can make the decisions on what is best for SD and how any additional funds are to be used.

In our case our goal was to maximize CS so that we could insure that SS had equity access to his SpermIdiots income. Unfortunately the SpermIdiot and the entire SpermClan does not have enough income to buy a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of so our efforts to maximize CS resulted in no more than $385/mo. And that was only after 9 years of CS at $130/mo.

So, protect your family resources from BMs idiocy and do what you can to help SD overcome the shallow and polluted end of her gene pool.

The problem with CS in just about any country is that far too often it does not go to support the kids but to augment the lifestyle of idiot CPs or is too low for responsible CPs to use it as it should be used and idiot NCPs get to weasle out of supporting their children.

All IMHO of course.

Sootica's picture

newwife3 I agree with you 100% I have no problem with DH or myself spending our money on SS when he is with, what drives me nuts is that I KNOW that any extra money BM gets does NOT get spent on ss. BM's attitude of entitlement is what drives me around the bend.

Sootica's picture

Rags that was excatly my point -during our hundreds of arguements over the last 3 years WHY PAY MORE than you should???? As for the e-mail thing-DH has an obsession for doing the "right" thing and didn't want to involve the CSA as he thought an adult compromise for the sake of ss could be agreed to (are kidding me?????!!!!).So actually she has done us a favour by going to CSA.