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Update on yesterday's blog -Give me strength!

Sootica's picture

Sally you were right .....

Following on from yesterday's blog entry:

DH had a chat with SS13 regarding his bad behaviour at school-for all of 5 mins! When asked about the incident at lunchtime (teacher telephoned DH to inform him SS had been caught simulating a sex act on an ice lolly -he was pretending he was giving a BJ-in the cafeteria) SS just said he didn't know why he did it so DH assumed he didn't know what he was doing and proceeded to tell SS why this was inappropriate.Are you kidding me??Of course he knew what he was doing.

The outcome of the talk?Maybe SS needs to get tested for dyslexia because maybe he is playing up at school as he can't understand the work.Amazingly SS shows no signs of dyslexia when he is glued to his iPad posting crap all over Instagram! Oh and he needs an eye and hearing test too because maybe he can't see or hear what he is suppose to be doing. LOL what a load of baloney! I gave SS a hearing test at the beginning of the year -I'm a qualified Audiologist and the boy passed with flying colours! On the eye test front yes he should have one,not as an excuse for his bad behaviour but because it's good to get his eyes checked.

DH then said SS is to call his GF and inform her she can't attend the game on Sunday as SS is grounded.I wanted to burst out laughing,it's evident DH still doesn't comprehend if SS was truly grounded he shouldn't be attending the game at all.

So SS called the GF....& 20 mins later was still jabbering on the phone!And that folks is how you handle "The Talk" when things are really seriously getting out of hand-NOT!


Sootica's picture

Snoopystep I agree with you SS manipulates DH big time and it's getting worse as he gets older and DH is too dumb to see it.

Sally you could be Steptalks inhouse psychic - Psychic Sally Smile Seriously though what a load of crock he has had numerous talks and nothing has happened if anything SS bad behaviour has escalated.I seriously see him getting expelled from this school before he hits 18.