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Parents Evening

Sootica's picture

It was parents evening at SS13 school. DH went to an earlier appointment slot and BM to the later one. They use to attending them together up until SS started attending secondary school and BM ramped up the crazy when she couldn't manipulate DH anymore.DH came back really upset because SS has been just as unruly at school as he had been at home. Yes there has been a slight improvement at home since the electronics ban and stealing incident, but not a huge improvement.

The teachers informed DH that SS is not only disruptive in class but whereas other children stop eventually,he carries on regardless. They have now told DH if SS does not improve his behaviour they will need to start excluding him from classes as other children shouldn't have to suffer because if him.

I have told DH on numerous occasions that SS has in the past been allowed to get away with murder due to his situation ie. because his parents split up when he was 2 and a half years old and then again when he was 3 (due to BM being the village bicycle) he has been given a free pass for not being held accountable and doing as he likes.

DH used to be the typical Disney dad for years, this has got better over time but still at lapses at times because it's easier to be the fun parent than a disciplinarian, whereas BM couldn't care less and had SS as a meal ticket and for those occasions when she needs to play MOTY.

SS is not a stupid child but he is an exceptionally lazy child -this was also mentioned by the teachers at the parents evening according to DH. I would tend to agree with this, however over the years I have gradually took a step back further and further from the whole skid scenario now it's like watching a car crash in slow motion.I understand that not every child is academically inclined, I was but my younger sister wasn't, yet both of us would get nothing but praise for our behaviour from the teachers come parents evening.

It will be interesting to watch and see how the situation unfolds and how DH and BM intend to handle this.

*Pass the popcorn please*


Sootica's picture

Lol thanks dtzyblnd,I agree with you and therein lies the problem. I think it's a case of too little too late.After the stealing fiasco (I blogged about that about a month ago) DH & BM came to an agreement on the no electronics rule for 6 weeks but this doesn't seem to have helped at school as SS is still misbehaving regardless.

StepLady's picture

All or some parents should have went to conference. Child should have observed conference. If he gave lip to teacher ( public servant like, cop, fire, doctor, etc) Child should have been accountable no matter who saw/heard. "grades are crap, what is going on? need a shrink? the school has it! need a tutor? school has it! etc)