The plan is Live in action and in full swing
I’ve dreamed of freeing myself of my stepsons for at least 8 years.
My original plan was to wait until Ss18 finished high school. 11 years I waited until the younger of the 2 was 18 and I would no longer feel obligated to do for them. I hoped Ss18 would change, that he’d respect house rules and function like a family. This was the only way I would have accepted DH dumping him on me to go on the road. Ss knew it and so did DH.
I purchased our house because DHs 2 bedroom apartment didn’t accommodate the 5 of us comfortably. But once ss23 moved out and ss18 on the way out as well, I didn’t feel that staying in a 5 bedroom home was a smart idea. I had become resentful that ss18 didn’t go to school as evidenced by the continued failing report cards that were the trademark of his academic life, and I was financing his life. Dh had retired early and was in the process of going into his second career so that left me footing the bills. I was also afraid that ss18 would fail to launch because of his defiance.
He was too comfortable and I knew that he would struggle to find and keep work because of his attitude towards authority. He stayed up all night on social media and live-streaming and ate all of the food and snacks, and slept during the day on the weekend and made sure to avoid us all. He barely interacted with us, deliberately. He left late to school daily, and did the bare minimum to help around the house. His phone, it seemed, was glued to his palm. He had an uncanny ability to eat and watch TikTok, something I tried to prohibit but DH never enforced. Given the circumstances I knew ss18 was likely destined for failure. However I did want him to prove me wrong and I hoped he would at least change and be better than Ss23. So goes the first crossroad.
That went out the window when Ss18 took a left and he was allowed to drop out 2 months shy of graduation. At that point I stopped DH from leaving unless he took his son with him or put him in jobcorp. I needed them both to be out for my next move. I suspected that I only had a short window between the time SS left and the time someone became tired of his caca and kicked him out of the program.
In that short window I moved out and downsized. I knew that if I missed my opportunity, SS would likely show up crying and begging me to keep him, even if his father was gone, and my bleeding heart would accept him. But I would be miserable again. I needed to cut my ties to the house for the time being.
I was finally approved for a teeny studio.
Unfortunately for DH, he totals his truck within 1 week after I found my new place so he moved in. This was a snafu I hadn’t considered.
As if on cue, jobcorp then asks SS18 to leave to reevaluate if he is right for their program.
In my original plan, DH would have been gone trucking, and I planned on disengaging from his children during that time. I figured it would have been much easier if he was gone because if DH was not physically with me, then no one would or could expect me to help.
This meant that for the holidays, if DH was out trucking, what would the SSs have done? Would they have wanted to reach out to me for holidays seeing as their father wouldn’t be around? I was curious to see how disposable I was, or if they would reach out to seek guidance or for my company, or if they would reach out only for gifts. Turns out they only ever reach out to me to ask for stuff, never really to see how’s it going with me or Dd8. They don’t text her either. We were disposable after all.
I don’t know that I plan on getting Christmas gifts for them, maybe basic and practical gifts like I usually do. They are after all, still Dd8’s brothers. At this point, it would be both SSs, Ss23’s gf and step grandson. Now that Ss18 doesn’t live with me, ss23 wouldn’t have come around with the intentions of asking for stuff but pretending he was visiting SS18. Obviously I let him keep coming around the few times he did because of Ss18 and DH. Now that Ss18 is gone, I can meet them somewhere. We don’t have to meet at my place. We can meet outside and have lunch or at a park. Not my apartment. This was how I figured we’d start figuring it out while DH was gone. Except DH is back earlier than I anticipated.
I have mentioned this before, but DH grew up in poverty, and he’s not from this country, so he didn’t celebrate Thanksgiving growing up, and Christmas for him was never a big deal. He’s not the type to be hyped up about holidays and he’s not a gift giver (not even with me or dd8, or his family). He’s more of a work, pay the bills, let the woman do the emotional work and holidays type. He will often help his family (mom and siblings) who often need help with the basics.
I’ve been the one to plan birthdays, holidays, etc. DH has never planned any of the kids birthdays or has taken the initiative to go Christmas shopping.
He works, he works out, he comes home to cook and clean. Those are his strong points.
When it comes to the work of parenting, like discipline, homework checking, asking your kid how school was, enrolling in classes, knowing everyone’s schedule, I’ve learned the hard way that is his weak point.
These are the first holidays where I am not living with BOTH SSs. I feel so free. My apartment, while tiny for the 3 of us, is peaceful, clean. I can leave my cash and cards out and not have to worry about remembering to hide them.
I can have intimacy without a stepkid around. It’s been more than 5 years that BM took SS18 (she’s homeless now). Dd8 has lots of friends and I have a big family. Dd normally stays with my parents on weekends. Dh has no immediate family in the states, and though he has a few friends, they’re not close to where SS stays over. SS didn’t have close friends either so he didn’t do sleepovers, and once Ss23 left, he never invited SS18 to sleep over.
I missed my privacy. This is the first time I feel I control of my own life and space since I’ve been with DH. I really hope DH can respect my boundaries of not letting them know where I live until I’m good and ready.
- SMto3's blog
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Good for you
I remember the wonderful feeling when I moved into my 1-bedroom apartment with my 2 bios after splitting with my chaotic ex then living at my mom's for a year. The kids slept in bunk beds in the bedroom and I slept on the couch. Paradise.
I'm happy for you.
That's exactly what it feels like for me!
Please after everything you
Please after everything you've been through, I say dh better never tell skids where you live until they are productive adults who need nothing from you and dh. Those kids messed up and have no excuse, you sound like a stepmom who is way nice and helpful. Don't worry about presents this year, seriously who wants skids that hover over you to get stuff, that's so hurtful. If my parents got me nothing for Christmas it wouldn't change my love for them, could not care. Focus on your precious dd cause you have a life and these skids will waste your energy on their drama... and you really really don't need them rubbing off on your little one.
My mom normally gets me towels/blanket or something practical. I treasure everything she gives me. My dad normally gives money, so less sentimental value, but I am still grateful.
I like your idea about waiting until they are productive adults. My plan had been to see how well they were able to fly the nest, and then if they stalled and were too needy and trying to contact me too much, I did flirt with the idea of leaving the state, or taking a leave to travel for the following year, after my lease is up.
Once you crack open that
Once you crack open that (holiday) door, they'll storm in and you'll revert to where you've started. Losing all of your privacy and letting them run like wild horses in your home and life. Don't do it.
My husband and I are also not from this country and we grew up not celebrating Thanksgiving and although we weren't raised in poverty, there was never any big gift exchanging like it's done here. Yet, now we celebrate Thanksgiving and all other holidays and we do everything the way you guys do it. So, I think your husband is just being lazy, does not care, takes advantage and looks for excuses.
Start taking care of yourself and your little girl.
Right on
My world is my DD8, though sometimes I can be extra strict for fear she will turn out like her brothers. I do agree that DH is lazy when it comes to parenting, and also gift giving. I look past it, because at this point I think the thing I wanted most was my freedom and space, so not much more than that will give me this amount of happiness. He could definitely try harder, but the caveat to that is that I don't tend to go crazy for presents for him either, and he's okay with that.
you said "I don’t know that I
you said "I don’t know that I plan on getting Christmas gifts for them, maybe basic and practical gifts like I usually do. They are after all, still Dd8’s brothers. At this point, it would be both SSs, Ss23’s gf and step grandson. Now that Ss18 doesn’t live with me, ss23 wouldn’t have come around with the intentions of asking for stuff but pretending he was visiting SS18. "
Here are a couple ideas. 1. your kiddo can make gifts for her "siblings" etc. 2. only give a real gift to the grandkidlet if you want (emphisis on IF YOU WANT). I stop giving gifts to adult kidlets once they A. move out, B. become parents, or C. both of those.
Congratulations on your move, do it up big on decorating for you and your kiddo!!!
Great ideas!
I will have her make gifts for them all, and consider getting a college bond for stepgrandson for about 50 bucks. I'll do what Rags suggested, keep it under my name until sgrandkid is of age.
Buy them $25
Gift cards. With Merry Christmas where ever you are
LOL I like it, Harry
25 dollars to Macy's, 25 dollars for Dunkin Donuts, 25 dollars for Amazonx 3
I don’t understand the totaling his truck
Has to do with any of this. He had insurance . That should of paid for a new truck. ? Do not let SS STAY. Once he moves in, you are not going to be able to get him out. You would have to go to court in X many days to get him out. Why start. YOU DONT like SS. YOU DONT want to support SS. YOU DONT need a adult man in your home... DH can get SS an Air B&B for four days over Christmas.
THERE is other solutions to all problems.. May not be the easiest for DH. But it's better for you.
Goodness, no Harry
That's my DH that totaled his truck, and yes we are waiting for the insurance to send the check. SSs no longer live with me. SS23 lives with his gf and new baby and SS18 just got kicked out of his trade program (temporarily until they decide what to do with him). He is staying with SS23. No way will I have them stay with me, not after everything that happened.