O/T- This is kind of silly but please don't judge me :)
After losing our unborn baby last summer, DH and I are finally ready to start trying again. Yay!
I really want a little girl. I have 5 brothers and I'm the only girl, DH has 3 brothers, no sisters. And DH has ss4 and ss5. I'm surrounded by boys. Is it bad that I desperately want a little girl? I know I will love our child no matter what because it'll be me and DH's baby but I'm praying for a little girl.
I've been researching the internet about how to increase chances of conceiving a girl vs a boy. Some of the things I found are : do the deed 3-5 days before ovulation and not too close to ovulation date, eat lots of fish and veggies. I even looked at the chinese gender predictor which said that based on my age, if I conceive in April or May I'll have a girl.
What are some "old wives tales" have you heard? I'm willing to try them (within reasons off course). After suffering a miscarriage, all I want this time around is to carry to term and have a healthy baby, but I also thought since I would love a little girl, why not do a little research and see if the odds can be increased.
Please share your thoughts. Thanks.
- smomof2's blog
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yeah, I think the theory that
yeah, I think the theory that ugly people make boys while beautiful people make girls is plain stupid.
Thank you!
Thank you!
I know how badly you want a
I know how badly you want a girl, cause I know how badly I wanted a boy.. lol
Being the second wife and the second to have a baby with DH, I felt like having a child of the same sex as his 1st would be very much of 'the second time around'...
Please remember that no pregnancies are the same, that when you do get there that its probably even more special for DH than it was before. I always tore myself apart with thoughts of 'hes already done this' 'this isnt new for him' etc.. Dont let him talk about when BM was pregnant etc.. none of that shit matters, this is about YOU!
Good luck on on that girl! I dont know how accurate/not accurate all the old wives tales are, but they make it fun!
Because I grew up with boys I
Because I grew up with boys I was a tomboy until I hit puberty and became a total girly girl with pinks, purples and butterflies. lol. I'm so tired of being the only girl in this house, it's not bad but a girl would be super nice.
I've heard that male sperm
I've heard that male sperm swim faster, and female sperm live longer. I think this is why I read once that most accidental pregnancies turn out to be girls (not kidding, it was an astronomical amount, like 90%). It makes sense (kind of) that if the male sperm swim faster, some birth control methods take care of those first swimmers, and those girls lagging behind are the ones to get through. After I read that, I started thinking about all the "oopsies" that I knew of....my sister had two "oopsies", both girls, two of my friends had "oopsies", also girls....I had two (planned) pregnancies, both boys, and I, like you, had a husband who was one of three boys. HIS father was also one of three boys. The thought of three boys scared me to death, and I thought maybe boys were all that family could make, haha, so we decided not to try for a girl. Then, my "oopsie" girl came along.
Be careful what you wish for, though, I thought girls would be so much easier than boys! WRONG!!! lol! I wish you much luck, a healthy, happy pregnancy and baby, and everything your heart desires!
I sure hope u get your girl
I sure hope u get your girl and your SD and her are super close and happy. I had an older sister that was such a jealous, controlling bitch to me and I just longed for her to be nice to me. She always wanted the parental love so badly - looking back I think if my folks had only treated us the same thhings would have been much easier on me. Good luck!
*shyly steps out of baby
*shyly steps out of baby gender swaying closet*
I have not told anyone IRL, and was never brave enough to mention it on this site! but I'm taking a big breath, and admitting it now! I'm a total geek when it comes to gender swaying lol! I am DESPERATE for a girl.
Main reason I'm keeping it quiet is that if we have a boy, I dont want people thinking we are disappointed that he wasnt a girl. Because I really would love a boy as well, its just that I want a girl so much!! I will do my absolute best to get my girl, but if she doesnt make an appearance, (I'm not sure I am able to fall, or stay pregnant, as I have a lot of health problems, one of which has been helped by my girl diet weight loss, so yay!) I will still love a boy..
I have been a member of genderdreaming.com for almost 6months, we havent got a BFP yet, (only started actually trying 2months ago) but we're working on it! I cannot recommend this site highly enough.. there is a LOT of info, so much that it almost put me off at first, but check it out, its the best!
ok I hate to seem like a big show off/ know it all! ..but there are a few things that were said here that are not quite right, and I just gota let you know (if ur really intested anyway!) there are no “male” and “female” sperm. The 2 different sized sperms are actually uncapacitated and capacitated sperm. (when sperm first enter females body, they are big and slow.. around 10hours later, the little front bit of the sperm breaks away, making them smaller and obviously in turn, faster. uncapacitated sperm are the sperm that are ready to penetrate the egg) the whole mistake of thinking there are male and female sperm was down to Dr Shettles, if anyones interested, this is one of Atomics amazing essays explaining pink and blue tendancies!!
oh, and conceiving in March, April or May is “pink friendly” only if ur in the northern hemisphere, as due date will be bad weather, and girls are stronger/ more resilient.. good months to conceive boys are September thru to November, as its nice and warm when they are due.. and ohhh my gosh, I've just realised why I dont tell anyone about my genderswaying, I sound like a crazy person haha! Seriously though, there are actual scientific reasons behind all of these things! Heres the essay on girl friendly months..
ok,theresa lot to learn, but.. the biggest most important thing if you want a girl? go vegetarian, and lose weight *while* TTC. even if its just a few pounds. Make suuure you get enough protein etc, but make sure its vegetarian protein. beans, nuts etc. I have been on the "girl diet" for 5months, I started out at 196 pounds, and have lost a healthy 2pounds per week, (yes, every single week, even over xmas!) I now weigh 154 pounds, total loss 42 pounds! (I'm 5foot8 btw)
in other words, what one poster said about girls surviving better in poverty was correct, if the body thinks its not getting as much food, or should I say quality of food/ meat etc, the body will, at the point of conception think, hmm, ok, better have a girl, she'll be more likely to survive, as times seem to be hard right now..
anyway I'm going to shut up now! Just thought I'd let you in on a few things I found over the last 6months research!! Oh, and the old wives tales I'm doing apart from diet is.. hanging out near my salt lamp (girl ions, something to look into!) a baby girl outfit under our bed.. and I also believe in “the secret” so we made a pink vision board with cuttings from magazines with pictures of baby girls! Ok now you know just how insane I am, I will step back into my gender swaying closet lol
Thank you so much for all the
Thank you so much for all the suggestions guys!