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thank you st members that posted...

smnikki's picture

yesterday to my blog about deleting my account...

i have read many posts before about other sites bashing st for the pettiness, negetive content on this blog, but i have to say that yesterday was a true example of the warm support that this site is able to provide! For that i want to say thank you to all you members that log on and provide your imput and knowledge for others to be able to vent, share, and gain perspective on the uphill battle we all know as step parenting!

if you notice, i did not delete a single post! After posting on how to delete, fh was logged on at home and was able to read ALL of your posts as well as mine. I went through and re read alot of my old posts and agreed with a memeber who said that i must have felt it important to write it at some point. FH and i have addressed the main issue that upset him, and he said that with out worry of anger from him he has no problem with me posting.

Many times due to the negetivity on the site, i stopped posting or reading for periods of time. I often would be discouraged to see exactly what i was geting myself into, and sometimes i pressed issues with fh because of what info i got here, which frustrated him even though i was not incorect. The bm in our case, is of course insecure, uneducated, and just plain nuts at times, but i have to say she is pretty mild compared to some of the horror stries i read about. FH does always put me first, and is an amazing, loving man. I neede to realize that not every post is really ment for my eyes, and to take from the site what benefeted myself and my relationship, as well as share my imput where i thought is was useful.

I really believe that fh saw the out pouring of support that you all posted to me deleting, and saw what a great support group you all really are! You refused to let me just bow out and let go of the things that i felt strongly enough about to post. I dont want this to be too long so ill simply end with... THANK YOU!


Sia's picture

I am glad you are staying! Good for DH in his ability to understand your need for support!

Amazed's picture

you are staying:) I pulled myself from the site due to hypersensitivity on my part but I can't stay away from these women...they are my life line to staying sane and while I may not like reading the truth about how they see some of my reactions, ultimately every comment has some sort of viewpoint that can be helpful.

I'm so glad that you're not leaving!!

"We all have different desires and needs, but if we don't discover what we want from ourselves and what we stand for, we will live passively and unfulfilled.”

Abigail's picture

Welcome back!

"I know God has a wonderful plan for me, I just wish He would tell me what it is"

Stick's picture

What a great way to get closer to each other and to the wedding!! Sooo happy for you!!!

smnikki's picture

i really enjoy your posts! you have such a great perspective and have really made me take a step back and look at things when i needed to!