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just in, bm cant afford gas to take my ss to day care, but can afford a new tattoo

smnikki's picture

ugh, she just gets more and more white trash as the days go on. Im sure by the time ss goes in to school she will be mising teeth.


stepoff's picture

Sounds familiar. I don't mean to offend anyone out there, but what's with the body-mutilating business??? BM has a tramp stamp straight across her lower back. You know, the one that doubles as a target. What she should have gotten was the one that says "wide load". Trashy, trashy, trashy. And to make matters worse, SD20 is following in her steps. They have money for tatoos but no money for their bills. Hmmmm, go figure.

smnikki's picture

she should have got that, but she has something else "real classy" there. she covers ss4 in tattoos and he thinks its cool. I wonder if he will be proud on bm and her toothless bf when hes older? I can just see it now, fat bm covered in tattoos, toothless beer bellied boyfriend, and then my dh in his nice dress clothes, me with my height and big boobs and nice appearance, i wonder who ss is going to want to be associated with at school functions?

beamer's picture

wow, I can totally relate. BM also cannot afford to visit or collect SD but when we paid to send SD for a summer visit, she had plenty of money (right out of jail)to get yet another tattoo, and to brand SD 15 with one of her own, on her wrist! How trashy can you get? To be fair I have seen some tattoos that are actually really neat, and have friends with interesting and quality art work on their body. BUT it needs to be worn well and really helps if the tat can be concealed, or you are an artist.

smnikki's picture

and try not to sound to uppity about the tattoos. Friends of mine have beautiful pieces, but hers, oh hell they are just horible and placed all over her body randomly. cant forget the white sunglasses and pooka shell necklace....all though i thought about it and i think the pooka shell necklace is the poor white trash girl's version of pearls.

StepMadre's picture

This is so funny. They should have a special tattoo shop for white trash BM's. I actually have one tattoo that I thought about for years before getting. It is very discreet and has a great deal of personal meaning. I also have quite a few friends with awesome body art. That said, I think random and indiscriminate tattoos are the trashiest thing on the planet. Our BM has SIX tattoos, all of which are incredibly tacky. I can't say what they are, but let's just say that H says that she picked them out of the tattoo book at the Ink shop and they have no meaning at all, she just thought they "looked cool." (they don't). She made the huge mistake of getting a belly tattoo BEFORE getting pregnant and so now she has a wrinkly, squashy stomach tattoo that I describe to my husband when he's been bad. Wink

So, so gross!!!!

"A lot of people are afraid to tell the truth. That’s where toughness comes into play. Toughness isn’t being a bully, it’s having a backbone.” ~Robert Kiyosaki

squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

Oh, you're going to love my story! BM here does the same money for clothing for the kids, yet manages to get yet another tattoo. I don't know how many BM has at this point & I don't want to know, either!

BM is ignorant & has no mind of her own. She likes whatever her latest boyfriend likes or what her family & friends like. Well, apparently someone in her life is into science. BM knows absolutely nothing about science. She would tell the kids all these science "facts" & the kids would then repeat them to my husband, who is a science nerd. My husband would correct them & the kids would say "whatever" because BM is always right. one day the kids come over & tell us that BM got the solar system tattooed on her body. I almost choked on my dinner! I soooo wanted to ask the kids where BM had Uranus tattooed. It was waaayyy too tempting!!! }:)

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

Seriously now... HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! I just choked on my soda! How did you EVER restrain yourself!!!!

squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

It was NOT easy!!! SD9 still occasionally mentions BM's planet tattoos & my husband & I exchange amused glances.

Apparently right after BM got these tattoos, she went to a party wearing a dress with holes cut in it to show off each tattoo. I'm not making this up!!! The kids told us about it because they thought it was sooooo cool. Sounds like something you would see on that people of walmart website!

smnikki's picture

how the kids think its so cool that bm does these things? i just hope for ss's sake he is able to identify that no teeth and tattoos are not good qualities. I can just imagine our years ahead....ugh

NotsoHappyNewlywed's picture

Our BM does that too! She'd call DH telling him to bring the kids food. MEanwhile I saw her at a club once with not one but TWO new and very large tattoos on her back.
I asked DH if she always had them he said NO.
So...Missie had NO money for food because she spent it at the tattoo parlor.
She's so awesome isn't she?

DISbelief's picture

I think I know her... your BM.. gosh, I was certain my SS's BM only had ONE CHILD, but she must have 2 cause I think we are dealing with the same chick here..

LOL. Just kidding. I can sympathize with your frustrations though.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )