Mini Vaca Coming up!
So DH and I are going on a long weekend vacation with a group of friends. Its a yearly thing we do and although I'm ready and excited...Im a little apprehensive due to the most recent issues DH and I have been having.
We talked for a while yesterday and I again drove home my issues with his insane opinion regarding the xbox. He completely understands my point of view. And he was NOT thrilled at all with the fact I slept on the couch the other night. I have now found a new currency with him....apparently that is his weakness. Good to know for future reference.
Anyway...BS 17 will be staying at the house a few days alone. He has school so he cannot miss. Originally it was going to be just one night but now I am finding his BD is also going out of state (BD and I do not communicate anylonger) so BS will be here TWO nights alone. He is very responsible and is actually enlisted in the Marines for delayed entry so I guess he is mature enough to be alone. I do have friends close by who are going to check in on him and he is going to stay with some of MY friends on Friday night. He will be going to BD's on Saturday when BD gets back in town.
My BS is ALWAYS talking to a different girl at any given moment. He is quite the ladies man. He does not have one specific GF at this time but seems to have a swarm of young ladies after him at all times.
I asked DH to go to the store and buy some condoms and have them at the house. Even though BS is a great kid and NEVER has been one to sneak around, break the rules or get into trouble EVER!! He is 17 and a Man/child. I am amazed at how many girls send him messages and posts on social media who have NEVER met him. And since BS is a healthy normal funtioning man...I worry about the one time he could screw up. He has big plans for his future and I don't want one mistake to change those plans.
Im trying not to worry but of course I am a mama and will ALWAYS worry. DH said he would buy the condoms and have a chat with BS. I have always been very open with BS about life, sex, etc....but at 17, he really does not want his mom bringing him condoms. I get it...I just want to make sure he is protected IN CASE.
Am I wrong for doing this??? I don't want him to think this is permission to bring a girl home and get it on...but I don't want him to screw up his future either.
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I have had many conversations
I have had many conversations with BS about sex, condoms, etc. I even told him if he ever felt he needed condoms, he could come to me, his dad, DH or his uncle and ask.
I of course know he would NEVER come to me to ask but I wanted him to feel that he could rather than take a chance.
BS has actually said he would go to DH if he needed protection. That is why I asked DH to buy them and given them to BS.
I honestly don't think he will need them...but then again he has never been alone at the house this long so I want to cover all the basis.
I have also informed BS,,,You make a baby...You raise a baby. You will get a job, support your child and you can forget about sports, college or anything else EXCEPT raising that baby until it is grown.
I can't say if it's right or
I can't say if it's right or wrong but I can say that I have done the very same thing. I believe in open communication and education. At 16 I provided my son with condoms and told him that I wasn't saying I wanted him to be sexually active but if he chooses to do so USE THEM.
Good point Sally !
Good point Sally !
I am by no means
I am by no means naive....however....I prefer to believe my BS would NEVER do that until marriage (BAHAHAHAHA YEA RIGHT) the same way my parents never "did" it!
I really don't want that visual....therefore...I will provide the "raincoats" and go look at his baby album and cry for a bit.
Why does she have to be a
Why does she have to be a sexy blonde? Aren't burnettes sexy too
Anyone who believes its wrong
Anyone who believes its wrong to give a 17yr old condoms has never paid CS }:)
BS does not discriminate
BS does not discriminate against blonds, brunetts, or red heads. He loves them all.
Sadly enough I have had to listen to him go on and on about the fact that Yogo pants had to be created by God just for his pure viewing pleasure.
BARF!!!! :jawdrop: :sick:
Thats a great idea....I may
Thats a great idea....I may have to do that! I have no issues buying them and just having a direct conversation with him about it.
BS wouldn't be shocked in the least if I did....I just figured BS would prefer DH do it since he has stated that in the past.