As it should be!
Just so happens my DH had to go out of town for work the exact days we would have YSS. At no time was it mentioned or considered that I would be taking YSS in DHs absence. I will admit I am slightly giddy with joy at the prospect of having three days to myself and no YSS. Despite the fact I like YSS (like not love) I am thrilled with the few days of solitude.
Im sure BM is using this as an excused to totally trash me to the SS’s. Don’t care....the fact that my existence alone can cause BM so much angst is revenge enough for me.
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Call the waaaaaaahm-bulance
Call the waaaaaaahm-bulance for poor BM. LOL
Enjoy your 3 days! *yahoo*
Yeay bio mum
Trying to shame stepmum for not caring and taking responsibility for her kid... oh thats right! It wasn’t your responsibility or need to care for the child in the first place...
in my case bio mum kidnapped sd’s, alienated and brainwashed them, 6.5 yrs after the divorce and her remarrying an ex high school sweetheart she had been dating before even separating from my husband, she managed to convince the girls daddy threw them away for me.
reality is bio mum saw a convenient angle to twist things to paint her innocent. But when you are continually lying, you end up digging yourself into your own shitstorm. Sd’s found out the truth, justified bio mums behaviour as daddy destroyed her by divorcing her...
like pp said above, call the wambulance for not growing up
I would kill for 3 days by myself. Enjoy!
No DH and no Skid! Sounds like a golden ticket to paradise!
Yippee! Who cares what BM
Yippee! Who cares what BM thinks or says? Stock up on wine and walk around the house nekkid!