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School Clothes Shopping

SM12's picture

This year I was able to get out of going with DH and YSS to do clothes shopping for school.  I was so happy.  And then yesterday I find out we have to take YSS back to the store to exchange a few things because they didn't try anything in when shopping the first time.   And DH resized he bought YSS all bottoms and only one shirt.  Insert eye roll.

I had mentioned in my last post about YSS giving me the stink eye and just being an overall jerk.   Wel it was even more evident shopping.   It noticed that DH and I could pick out the exact shirt to show YSS....he would make a face at the one I picked like it was the most hideous thing he had ever seen. But give full approval to the shirt DH picked....even though they were the same shirt.  Haha. I laughed and let it go.  Not my monkey.  

We also went out to eat.  I had to endure the constant slurping sounds coming from YSS across the table.  I didn't realize just how much that annoys me until I met YSS.   And I had the pleasure of realizing YSS is probably one of the most negative people i have ever met.  Every step he tells is negative with his commentary on how stupid it/he/she was in the story.  He knows all and everyone else is ignorant. 

I did get the pleasure of correcting him.   I informed DH of the school hours this year as they changed.  YSS of course had to"correct" me.   That was until I shut him down, corrected him and told him to pay attention and know the facts before telling someone they are wrong.
I will admit, it felt good. 


tog redux's picture

Next time, let DH fix his shopping mistakes. If YSS is going to be rude to you, don't put yourself through that. 

SM12's picture

That we needed to return any clothes until we had left. We were going out to eat and DH decided to throw in the shopping trip exchange and didn't tell me.   I will say they were fairly quick.  After the snubs on my shirt choice I walked away and let DH deal with him.   I looked for a few things for myself and met up with DH when they were done.   
Had I known they were going to actually shop (I thought only an exchange as we were walking in) I would have stayed in the car.   

Thumper's picture

Why is dad buying school clothing. Does he have full custody?

Anyway, I would back away from going shopping with skid. 

I have been in your hope THIS time will be better,,,give the 'kid' a second, third, forth, fifth chance, right? Only to have it fall into the dirt again.

I might go as far as to say, you know last time I was treated very poorly. This time, I am not putting myself in that position. SKID never said--gosh I am so sorry I acted like a pooh head, I was wrong, I will not do it again.

OP do not be a glutton for punishment....OK?


ndc's picture

Why would Dad need to have full custody to buy the kid clothes?  Don't most parents keep clothes at their house for when their kids are there,  even if they don't have full custody?

tog redux's picture

We did, but we sure as hell didn't buy it new, given that DH was paying full child support to BM. I did a lot of clearance rack and thrift store shopping (I enjoyed it) for SS, who thankfully didn't care what he wore.

SM12's picture

DH has 50/50.   In the past few years DH would buy for YSS and BM would buy for MSS for school clothes.   
And let's be honest, DH is trying to be super dad and kiss YSSs butt so he doesn't get PASd like the older skids

SeeYouNever's picture

Haha my SD does the same thing with clothing suggestions. Though I've found if Im admiring something for myself and don't show her she will go right up to it after I move.