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GRRR!!! Updated

sixxnguns's picture

Fiancee and I planned to take a mini-vacation out of town the 3rd weekend in's the first trip we'll be taking ALONE in a year and we're meeting my best friend who I haven't seen in 2 years because she'll be where we're going...she lives 600 miles from me and where we're going is a half way point for both of fiancee emailed BM because that weekend is his weekend to have FSS and notified her we'd be out of town that weekend so he wouldn't be taking FSS....she replied with "You'll have to find daycare arrangements for him because I'm going to be out of town too." This woman is ALWAYS going out of town with her friends and we haven't had a weekend alone in a since she is the custodial parent wouldn't this be HER problem to find daycare? I mean he gave her a months notice for gods sake and she still wants to be difficult...we're still going, it doesn't matter if she's going out of town or not...she's stuck with FSS and there will be nothing she can do...After all the crap she put him through last year while she was "too busy" to be a parent I told him NOT to back down...we're going that weekend whether she likes it or not...I'm so sick of her bull

*UPDATE: Fiancee emailed her to notify her that from now on she will have to pick up FSS on Sundays at 6PM as the visitation agreement states since she hasn't been on time on Monday mornings...we're sick of always waiting on her, she's never on time...EVER...she comes back with all this bull about why we're punishing her and she brings up bullcrap about why they divorced and how HE broke her heart and HE drove her to cheat on him...Noone drives you to do ANYTHING! You are responsible for your own she started an argument and than states that he is not allowed to email her unless it has to do with FSS...Ummm...can you read? The email DID have to do with FSS about visitiation...DUMB BM is the one that started on a tangent, ONCE AGAIN, about how she's a victim in all of this..I think someone needs a psychological eval! ...this woman is best friend and I were talkng about how their BM and ours are so much alike they must be sisters...It's sick


everythinghappens4areason's picture

You have notified her that you are not available that weekend, this should be good enough. However, with these BM's it is not. I would suggest a day before you go away for your wkend, you send her an email indicating on the date & time you notified her by phone already, that this is just a follow up email so she is aware that you are not going to be home.....then I would leave town early if possible so she can't pull a fast one on you and drop off the child(ren) early just to screw up your plans. If she emails back to you that night, don't respond. If she calls, don't answer....avoid her until you get your wkend away!! It is her responsibility to figure this one out, just don't let her get you down and ruin it for you.

smurfy1smile's picture

I am the custodial parent and when my ex cancels on a moments notice, I have to deal with it and change my plans. This happens very regularly, so now we have a court order that he has to give me 3 days notice for changes to time and/or day of pick up or drop off.

Is there anything in your order that states what happens if one or the other has to cancel? If not, have a nice trip. If anything, leave as early as possible or from work so it will be less likely you will run into BM. I know that sounds a like sneaky, but if you leave the house at 5 and BM is supposed to drop child off at 5:30, who is to say she won't come early. Get the heck out of dodge and have a great time. Next time plan for a time when its not BF's time so BM won't complain.

Bottom line - she has and wanted custody so its her job. If your DH was ill (and you weren't around) and canceled would she still expect him to find care for their child?

sixxnguns's picture

I'm a custodial parent also and I don't get the luxuries that my daughters BF does...but I took that responsibility and I don't gripe about it...this BMs problem is she is still stuck in the past and seems jealous of our relationship...she constantly brings up things that happened years ago between her and fiancee...and than drags me into the equation..., I wasn't even around! She admitted to him tonight in an email that their son was only brought into this world as a "band aid" for their marriage...she thought if she got pregnant the child would save their marriage...anyone with brains would know that isn't true! I'm so tempted to tell her to move on with her sorry life..she just wants to make things difficult for us..we're leaving while she's at work so she can't pull a fast one..

gobbism's picture

but that took some negotiating and an actual mediation order. before then, we'd work all week and then instead of taking it easy... well, I really feel for you.

We settled on alternating 2 weeknights with a weekend and it's so much better. The weeknights are good because FH helps FSS with some homework instead of having to fight about it over the weekend. If I were you, I'd consider renegotiating, even if it means going to court.

laurels4u's picture

Smurfy is right. I'm the CP as is my DH and if either bio parent chooses to refuse visitation, we're stuck with them. As the others have suggested, I'd leave earlier for your weekend vacation. If not, I'd have a back up plan for the boy. Does your BF have parents close by that could take him for the weekend just in case?

All I'm asking for is some good old honesty served up fresh when I ask for it without the side order of hot tongue and cold shoulder!

sixxnguns's picture

has sucked it up and realized he's not giving in but it's started a whole new pissing match about who's the better person...and that he's taking time away from his son...BLAH BLAH BLAH...this guy took care of this child for 8 months last year while she galavanted around the country with her boyfriend...and spent the child support on herself...he could never go on trips with me cause he was broke or couldn't find a's been over a year since we've been alone or out of town together...BM is always out with her friends while FSS is at a daycare most of the time...ALL we do is spend time with kids, be it his son or my daughter(who is with us ALL the time), don't rub the "you're ditching your son guilt trip" in our's a bunch of crap...I wish I was more vindictive than I really am...I'd call that woman myself and tell her to get off her damn pity pot

laurels4u's picture

I thought I remembered you mentioning on another post that she puts SS in daycare on her weekends to go out partying. She'll just do the same to the kid next weekend. Go have a nice time with your BF.

All I'm asking for is some good old honesty served up fresh when I ask for it without the side order of hot tongue and cold shoulder!

sixxnguns's picture

she does...even on week nights...but fiancee asks for one weekend and "he's taking time away from his son"

Catch22's picture

With our BM, she gets to choose how long we have SS on the holidays, she gets to crack up when she thinks she isn't getting enough child support. She gets to say no you can't have him this weekend we have plans. She gets to tell Dh what time SHE wants SS home. She gets to do all these things with zero notice.

We have old court orders but DH spent more time in court than with his son, so he doesn't bother anymore. We usually have SS EOW now. If we need to do something we used to plan around her and her weekend only for her to change it if she got wind we had something on. Not anymore.

We are respectful enough to give her notice if we can't have SS, she is respectful enough to tell DH he is a shitty dad and then in the next breathe change our weekend when she chooses. We don't care anymore. DH talks to SS on the phone 2 times a week regardless and we see him usually 2 weekends a months, it's not worth the struggle.

My point is, if they can pull this crap why can't we?? When you take their power over you and what you do away, they have nothing left to fight with. Have a good weekend!!

Catch xx
*The Real Catch 22*