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o/t - Horoscopes

sixteensmom's picture

Do you check your horoscope? Daily? Weekly? Sometimes when it hits you? Do you believe they're accurate? Find a way to interpret your day to fit it? Just curious.

I check when I think about it and I usually just want it to acknowledge some kind of karma is goingto come to the bitchmom and skids and I'm a good person.

Do you have a favorite site to check yours?


oldone's picture

I'm not offended by horoscopes but I also don't put much faith in them. I think I used to see them in a paper that I took but since I now read the paper online I never see them.

sixteensmom's picture

I can alway make mine mean something accurate! I just want to know that karma will bite bitchmom in the ass someday.

newbiestepmom25's picture

I read them in magazines for fun but they are never accurate in my life. Not that I can see.

Sunflower1's picture

I've done my birth chart, it was a bit unnerving to say the least. I don't buy into it all the way, but if the tides are affected by the moon and stars and we are mostly h2o...does make me think Smile