I thinks its normal
for SS7's first appointment with the behavioral Therapist they have asked that ONLY the parents attend, and not to bring ss7. FDH thinks that is weird but I think it's to talk about hte odd behavior and possible causes with out ss7 chiming in and maybe even to question their parenting and the divorce.
I think it's great, BM and FDH have needed to sit down and talk about how they raise their kid(s) for... ever but either side has wanted to. And I think both BM and FDH are in for a rude awakening. I am not a professional or anything - can't wait to see what a pro has to say - but I think SS7 has always been sensitive but now the pressure of two households - two completely different household - may have finally gotten to him.
At BM's house SS5 is the fave and gets all the attention. She buys him stuff all the time 'for being good' and babies the crap out of him. TV is left on all night and they eat in their bed rooms. Not to even start on the PASing.
At our house we treat them as equal as we can and only buy they stuff when it called for, not every time the come over. We expect him to help take care of himself and be a big boy. No tv's at night and we eat dinner as a family, at the dinner table.
Now I expect BM to lie her ass off in the meeting, I am hoping the pro will see through it and FDH plans to bring EVERYTHING up. But I also told FDH to expect to be questioned and something may be said about the live arrangements.
Has anyone else had to deal with SKids going to therapy?
- SisterNeko's blog
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My SS17 has been seeing a
My SS17 has been seeing a therapist for 5 years now. This was recommended when my DH got custody of him. The initial meeting with the therapist was with DH and BM. BM brought her then boyfriend, he was told to wait in the car while DH & BM had their session. BM never went back to any further sessions even when invited. I attended 2 sessions at my DH's request. Initially the therapy helped as it gave my SS someone to talk to that was not involved and he felt safe, then as time when on, SS used the therapist to divulge things he did that he knew DH would not agree with, but it gave him someone to talk to and he would then tell my DH. This will all help your SS assuming that the Professional is good at what they do. Good luck and I hope your SS gets the help he needs.