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I feel for BM but I don't think she realizes her lose

SisterNeko's picture

Ss9 continues to want little to nothing to do with BM. It's EOW custody and Ss9 continues to go there I think mostly out of guilt but jumps at every opportunity to be else where.

I think BM is justifying it by flaunting that ss7 still wants her but he is 7 and completely brain washed still by her as was ss9 at that age. She also blames a busy work schedule yet having no money on them not doing anything on her weekends.

Just an example, she dropped ss9 off with us Friday so that he could go hunting with DH. She made it a point to tell DH that ss7 didn't want to go to which DH replied that Ss7 wasn't invited he isn't old enough to go yet, something DH had made clear when he made the arrangements to get Ss9 for the weekend. I think BM just wanted to say it. Lol. But in Sunday when she dropped ss7 off at the usual drop off time we had the hardest time getting ss8 to go out to see her. When he did go out there he said hi and basically walked back in the house. Once BM got done talking to DH she asked where ss9 went. I tracked him back down and sent him back out to see BM. She hugged him and made over him but you could tell he couldn't wait to get away again.

Afterwards i asked DH if he thought BM even noticed. He said not a chance.

There was a time when both kids couldn't wait to go over there and see her to the point where is almost made you sick but that is not the case any more. BM at that time was also programing the kids to expect gifts when they arrived. She has since told Ss9 that she doesn't have any money now so that maybe wasn't a habit to get into for her.

I am a caring person and my heart breaks for her that her kids doesn't like to spend time with her. :(. I Gould add that DH and I don't discourage his relationship with his mom. We try to be supportive and don't offer to let him come to our house whenever, just special things like hunting trips and such.