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Expensive tastes

SisterNeko's picture

BM was complaining to DH that everything ss7 wants for his birthday is expensive. I think she was waiting for him to offer to go in with her on something but we already got his gift. His party is this weekend and his bday is Monday. Way to plan ahead BM.

DH told that just because he asks for something is doesn't mean that she HAS to get it for him. We flat out told him no on some things.

Weeks ago he was talking about how if he got this one thing for his bday... I stopped him and told him that he wasn't getting that. He asked why and I asked him if he knew how much it cost. He said no so I looked it up on my phone. It was $300! I told him were were not spending that much on his bday if we did then we would have to spend the same on ss5 who bday is 3 weeks after ss7.

Our limit for birthdays is $50 to $60. And $100 to $150 for Xmas.


PeanutandSons's picture

Yep, kids at that age have no concept of what things cost so of coarse they ask for the world. Its the parents job to keep expectations reasonable. My skids ask for thousands of dollars of stuff each Xmas....our limit is 150. They continue to ask for ridiculous items (think vespa scooter for a 9 yr old) so I get them when I want since nothing on their lists is reasonable.

I've explained the budget to them many time....but it never get through to them. One of these holidays it should sink in.

SisterNeko's picture

SS7 did provide me with a list of games that he wanted awhile back, thinking that I should just get them for him for no reason, like BM does. I saved it for his bday and picked the one that I thought was most reasonable in terms of money and content. One of them was rated 'T' for teen and we don't let him play those (but BM does).

SisterNeko's picture

No we don't pay CS it's 50/50 custody and during the divorce BM told the Judge that she made as much as DH. I don't think that she does but that it not my problem Smile

She does however like to buy the boys things EVERYTIME they come over. I told DH that if she took that $10 to $20 bucks EOW that she blows on useless junk and saved it then many she could afford the nicer things that SS7 asks for. Just a thought.

herewegoagain's picture

No joint gifts. Nope. Your DH can get him whatever he wants and can afford and BM can do the same. We had this game with BM a few years at the beginning...She would call DH to tell him how much to send her for X gift...once at 5 it was a Nintendo or something, years ago...she wanted 150USD for it...I lost it. DH did give it to her and I let him have it...I told him how his daughter lived in a SHITHOLE and he felt guilty but it was BM spending 300USD or more on stupid gifts for a kid who lived in a SHITHOLE while my niece and nephews lived in a nice neighborhood and didn't have anywhere NEAR the crap that SKID had, nor the brand name clothes SKID had, etc...he finally understood. BM had called for other stuff, like BUY HER THESE SHOES, ie. 50USD shoes at the time for a 5yr old (13 years ago) who again, lived in a SHITHOLE and went to some dumpy lower income school...He finally understood that is why they always lived in a SHITHOLE...they still do.