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Dear BM, why lie to us?

SisterNeko's picture

She lies about the dumbest stuff. It drives me nuts. The latest lie got Chubby Hubby involved.

SS7 told us awhile back that his grandpa got him a 4-wheeler for christmas. Then he told us last week that BM said that he couldn't ride it until he was 18.

FDH works with Chubby Hubby (BM's husband) so they were on break and he just asked him about it. He said yes there was a small (youth) 4-wheeler that BM's dad got him, but BM won't let him ride it because they were riding it around there house (with BM on the back of it) and they went over a hill and it almost tipped so now SS7 isn't allowed to ride it. Chubby called Bm stupid for trying to ride it with him (she isn't little). FDH smiled and told him that he would buy it off BM for the right price. We go camping a lot and SS7 would be allowed to ride it at our house.

Well in the waiting room at the Therapist office FDH asked BM. She said that they ride it ALL THE TIME our at her parents house, that it was brand new and SS5 was getting one in a few years. FDH offered to buy and she said told him that we could borrow it, FDH said no, we would feel bad if it broke when we had it. he offered her $500 ad she said no.

Last night Chubby texted FDH and told him $850 bucks and it was his. FDH asked how old it was and he said it was a 2003 and he sent a picture. FDH said that he would think about it, we are going to price some out. But we are guessing that Chubby had a talk with Bm about it and since BM made Chubby sell his snowmobile because they never used it, Chubby won the argument on the 2 wheeler.

But the whole point that I think BM is missing, FDH is buying it for SS7 to use. So really she should work with us and take the $500. It's not like she paid anything for it in the first place.


StickAFork's picture

That's a cheap 4 wheeler!!

And she lies... because she breathes.