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Siferra's picture

I had started taking SS5 to the gym with me so he could spend time in the kids club while I work out, and DH could have a break. He really enjoys it and asks me as soon as I get home “Can we go to the gym?” every day.

On Monday I went to pick him up and the girls told me that he had been hitting! And not only that, but he deliberately threw a basketball into a little girl’s face and then screamed for a long time after they asked him to apologize.

I was furious. This was the first thing I really tried to do just him & me, and I’m pissed that it went this way. I made him apologize to the girls, put him in time out, and then told him we’re not going back for a week. I even put a calendar on the refrigerator so that we can mark off the days.

I’m nervous about taking him back, but he loved it so much. I think when I do take him back I’ll check in every 15 min or so to make sure that he’s still behaving. I just don’t want to be one of those people that the girls see coming and dread, you know?



Willow2010's picture

You are handling the situation really good and hopefully it will get through to your SS.