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Spiritual Negativity and wayward ghosts....

Shieldmaiden's picture

Ok. This is going to sound wierd to some of you, if you are not spiritual, or if you have different beliefs, thats ok. You can skip this blog and write me off as a "hoo-ha wacko." LOL.  So, for as long as I can remember, I have always been spiritually sensitive and seen /heard spirits on occasion. I am affected by certain places, and I avoid certain homes and places because of they way they "feel" to me.  I am by no means a full-blown medium, but I like to call it a "glimmer" of what those people have. I trust my instincts, and it has saved my life once - when I "sensed" a strange man sneaking up behind me in a dark grocery store parking lot, while I was loading groceries into my car. I was 21 at the time, and the hair on the back of my neck stood up suddenly, so I turned around and saw a man in jeans and a white sweatshirt creeping up behind me. When I yelled at him, he ran off into an alley. I didn't hear him or see him, I FELT him. Thank goodness I did!

When I met my DH, after a while he admitted that he sees stuff too, and gets "hunches" about people. In my opinion, his talents are far stronger than mine. When the skids were being brainwashed by BM, they would come over to our home and bring with them all kinds of negativity. Sometimes, they would have negative entities follow them over, and DH and I would start noticing this, and how it made the house feel. I started saging the house whenever it started to feel dark and heavy, and I noticed the kids moods would improve, and DH would say that the negative spirits seemed to have left. Yesterday, after feeling like SD18's negativity has really affected feel of the house, I woke up in the morning to a man yelling obscenities in my ear. (Surprise!, it was a wayward ghost that someone dragged home with them. But he was not a happy camper and I was super annoyed that I had to wake up like this.)  I told him to shut up and then got out my sage and palo santo - and went to work smudging the house. No wonder I've felt like I can't get a moment of peace, lately. I thought it was my DH being overly chatty, but I realized that on some level, I could hear this ghost screaming in my ear at all hours of the day and night, and that is why I felt drained and irritable. Now, the house feels quiet and calm again. 

Does anyone else, SM's especially, have this ability, and how do the skids affect the spiritual tone of your home? How do you combat this? I have plenty of other ghost stories, if anyone is interested. I just wanted to see if others experience this side of the skids phenomenon. Its strange, I know. 


lieutenant_dad's picture

Not this ability, but I've had the occasional premonition or ability to "see" the future. It's usually never overly useful and always something mundane - someone being late for something, singing the next song on the radio in my head before turning the radio on, predicting who will be called next. The "logical" side of my brain says that I just pick up on patterns. The "spiritual" side says life isn't that black and white so there may be something there. 

Regarding ghosts, I have a friend who is pretty sensitive and has had a few encounters. I lived in a really old house back in my early 20s, and she and I both got weird feelings around the stairs. We concluded that it was likely a remnant of someone's energy who was responsible for fueling the coal-burning furnace and walked the steps a lot. Never felt dangerous, just out of place.

That's the closest I have for you, though. Now I'm tempted to ask my dad's GF about it, though. She is pagan and very in tune with things. For Christmas one year my sister and I made her some good fortune candles and smudge sticks as she'd had a particularly rough few months. No idea if they did any good, but it seems that the intention was what counted.

Shieldmaiden's picture

That's really interesting, Lieutenant Dad. I have also lived in some old, haunted houses. Doors would open and close, drawers would be pulled open when we got home from the store, and small objects would disappear and then reappear in some really funny places. When my keys went missing from the table, I used to talk to the ghost. I'd say "Very funny, guys. I am going to turn around and when I turn back, my keys had better be there! I am late for work!"  I would turn around and there they were, right on the table again. I know that house that we rented had a police report filed a month after we left, when it was vacant. Our old neighbor, who was the neighborhood watch lady, saw the lights going on and off and the front door opening and slamming itself. She called the police and our landlord, and the police went in with guns drawn, but found....nothing. As soon as they got in the house, the back door started slamming and the lights in the detached garage went on and off. They checked there, and found.... nothing. The landlord called us to ask if anyone else had a key. We said no. DH and I both looked at eachother and said "The ghost misses us!" and laughed.

Do you know the story of the person that refilled the coal chute?  

lieutenant_dad's picture

No idea about who lived there when it was built. The house was over 100 years old at the time and in my college town. I wasn't exactly of an age or mentality where I was interested in exploring who had lived there. There never was really anything interesting that happened. Just a feeling like a presence was there, circulating up and down the stairs. If I had to make a totally uneducated guess, it wasn't a spirit so much as potential trapped energy. I've heard that limestone can "record" energy, and I lived in an area with limestone quarries. I had always just assumed that's what it was - like a video tape that recorded a show. 

Evil4's picture

I have "talents" too and oddly enough the more I heal in therapy the stronger my "talents" become.

It never occurred to me that it was my SKs bringing shit into our old house. It would explain a lot because DD22 has "gifts" as well and the stories she and I could tell about our previous house would make us sound wackadoodle.

It never occurred to us to sage our house back then but we did sage the one we're living in now and got rid of someone very negative. 

My grandmother was a Romanian witch and she had a ritual for people or energies to leave and stay gone and I do that sometimes when needed. I have also stated to DH that enemies to our marriage will not be allowed to enter our home and that includes anyone deeply loved. DH knows damn well what I meant by that.

DH claims to not believe "in that hocus pocus shit" so DD and I keep it from DH. SS has gifts and picked up on DD and I so SS, DD and I just don't say a word to DH or SD.

Oddly enough when DD, SS and I spoke together when DH wasn't home, to ban a negative energy, it marked the time that DH stopped going through his depressive avoidant episodes. SD is like a completely different person for the better when she comes over.

My therapist knows of my "talents" and actually incorporates them into my healing. 

Sorry, I'm not sure if I went off on a tangent. I get so excited to hear of others with talents and could trade stories all day long.

Shieldmaiden's picture

A Romanian witch? That's cool. I am not related to any witches. Ironically, my ancestors were at the Salem witch trials but my ancestor was one of the prosecuting attorneys. Guess he is rolling over in his grave right about now. LOL. Of course that is on my mom's side, and that side of the family is all nutso.

My DH and SD18 and SD20 all have bipolar. There have been studies done that bipolar people have more erratic electrical energy in their brains, almost like a mini seizure happening in the brain, and that ghosts are attracted to that energy because they need it to manifest. I am a believer in this, as i have seen them all attract the wierdest negative energies and bring them home. They are ghost magnets.

I brought home a ghost once from work. I was working at an auto body shop, and I went over to the Progressive Insurance drive-in estimating hub to arrange a tow for a vehicle. As I drove in, I saw a flatbed tow truck bringing in a smashed up motorcycle ( total loss.) I remember shuddering and thinking, I hope that poor rider died quickly, and I hope he is not hanging around. Well, the next morning I woke up to a big biker dude with a bandanna, windchapped cheeks, and a huge mischievous grin - looking down into my eyes as i opened them. My butt puckered and I'm sure it showed on my face. He laughed and said "Hi! My name's Jim!" Then he disappeared. So, not all of them are negative. That one made me laugh. 

Cover1W's picture

I get premonitions a lot - like I need to talk with X person, then within the hour that person calls. 

I'm open to ghost things; I've had two weird encounters that are totally unexplained. In college, in my early 20s, I lived in an old (turn of century) apartment with a room-mate. Less than 10' away was the funeral home. For perspective. :-)  We'd have doors open unexplained sometimes. The wierdest thing was one time I was sitting in the living room and the curtain that was pinned up to the wall fell down. I went over to pick up the pin from the floor (never happened before so that was odd) and couldn't find it anywhere. Note that I was facing the window so saw the curtain fall. I shrugged, went to get something else to hook it up with, pulled it back and there was the pin - IN THE WALL. Impossible that curtain could have fallen and the pin stayed in the wall.  That gave me the creeps so I left for a while.

I also, in the house I lived in with my exH, heard footsteps and we both smelled random cigar smoke now and then. Never in the same place, like it wafted through the room. This we think was the former owner's father who passed away in the home years before. We decided it was a good ghost. It eventually faded away after living there for about a year.  In that same house, one night I was getting ready for bed, turned to turn off my lamp, and clearly saw an orange, glowing orb. It was about an inch wide, clearly 3-D with a little trailer, moving completely independently of my lamp and my eyes. I cannot explain this but to say that it was there in front of me, it was very pretty, and I was calm.

Regarding SDs, I feel nothing supernatural about them. They have no interests and no concerns but for their little bubble. DH does not believe in anything supernatural at all, but he knows of my experiences. I just keep my emotional and sometimes physical distance and don't get sucked into any negativity if I can help it!

SeeYouNever's picture

I'm not that spiritual, my DH is maybe a little more spiritual than me. But both of us are really good at predicting the future. It's almost uncanny at times that we can predict exactly how some things going to happen or sense something right before it happens. For us I don't think it is spiritual I think it's more of highly tuned situational awareness. We are both highly observant people. Being super observant like this helps us to realize when things are different than they usually are which leads to our "predictions." I have photographic memory so I immediately notice anything that is different or out of place.

My mom is spiritual and she swears that she can sense things happening at a distance to people she knows and she'll call to check on them after not talking to them for a while and they will be picking up the phone to call her or something.

BM and SD are both very spiritual and superstitious. They do smudging and the ritual where you rub an egg on yourself to pull out the bad spirits and SD has never once been to our house without wearing some sort of evil eye jewelry. 

It's a bit of a chicken and the egg situation, when I first met SD it was like there was some sort of "stay away" energy around her put in place to repel me.  She never opened up to me and honestly I think it's her mom's negative energy that kept me and her from ever developing relationship. I wasn't always as negative as I am now, I went in to being a stepmom with a fully opened heart and was rejected over and over. So maybe my negativity towards the whole step parent situation is just bm's self-fulfilling prophecy. I wanted to love her daughter but she didn't want me to and she got what she wanted.

CLove's picture

I am an open door when it comes to spirituality and discussions. I was raised Christian, follow that path, and for the the path is a duality to Paganism and other belief systems. That being said...

The house that I moved into and subsequently bought with Husband. It definitely has something to it, but what that is has yet to be determined and I have been really wanting my Chumash leader friend to do a blessing, or some Sister-Help for banishing the negative energies. The area that I live in is full of loads of Tribal energy, alongside Catholic/Christian energy and teachings. 

Before my arrival, Husband had a few instances whereby he would see a little girl in a room and approach to find the room empty. A toy in one of the living rooms (we have 2) that had no batteries in it suddenly started moving, a car or something, with lights on, all by itself. For myself, not much. Sometimes I say "hello" to whatever might be there. Ive witnessed a bright light, a pop sound, and then thought I heard hello once. That was a REALLY long time ago.

Once, more recently, I found something that none of us 3 could claim. Hanging prominently from a post in the hallway. A rubber bracelet with Italian colors The word "Italia" on it. Just, weird.

Husband is a bit supersticious and faintly religious. He prays. Catholic upbringing and devoutly catholic family. 

SD16 is definitely Pagan. She reads Tarot cards to friends. Is very much an animal whisperer "nature witch" type. Shes mentioned her Pagan leanings. Toxic Troll is hardcore Christian right type, but "indentifies" as bi sexual, so her core values are at odds with her other opinions. If that makes sense. SD23, I feel that there is something there that goes beyond spiritual malady, posssibly demonic. She goes into rages quickly and easily. She posts things that are very demonic. Her visuals are very dark. I love the gothic asthetic, but there is a darkness there that makes me want to wash my spirit and mind whenever she enters it.

When anything at all has had to do with her, it brings out the darkness in Husband. SD16 doesnt like her sister. SD16 definintely has a light inside her that everyone kind of sees, but her sister has a repugnancy...

When her sister lived with us, SD23 could enter a room and without saying or doing anything, suck the energy and joy completely out of it.

That being said, I definitely feel heaviness in my home and welcome any advice!

Shieldmaiden's picture

I love the blend of Chumash and Christian/catholic in your area. Sometimes it takes several villages to raise a child! The more the merrier. 

I know what you mean about people who suck the energy out of a room, vs those people that light it up.I work with long haul truck drivers and they often tell me I have an "inner light". When I meet someone else who has that inner light, I feel drawn to them. I think its just positive and open energy - a willingness to see people for who they are, instead of what we want them to be. 

As for the heaviness in your home, you could use white sage (found at any wiccan/spiritual store) or palo santo wood smoke (amazon.) Go around every corner and closet and waft the smoke around, while saying over and over "I am the owner of this house and I command any and all negative spirits to leave, immediately. You are no longer welcome here. Those who bear any harm or ill will towards me or my family must leave, now. " Or something to that effect. If you are Christian you can invoke the aid of God.If you are Chumash you can call upon a diety that will help you, from that religion. Its all about intent. Making a circle of salt around your home can also stop negative entities from passing the salt line. Others like to use a "crystal grid" of crystals and stones that absorb negative energy. There are some good books out there that will go over all this, too. 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

That is almost the phrase I used to cleanse "something" out of my Mother's house - and it totally worked. I said I was the "lady of the house" - for some reason that just seemed the right thing to say. I didn't use sage though, I followed the advice of someone at a Wiccan/Pagan store and she said sage wasn't really the thing to use to drive something out of the house - but I can't remember what I used. She told me to open all of the windows and doors so the thing could actually leave.

My Mom had a stroke and has full time caregivers. All of us began to feel a negative energy in certain parts of the house. I would be sitting watching tv with my Mom and would have a sense someone was behind me - I would look and nothing would be there, but I would get a very negative and threatening feeling. A friend of my neice was living in the basement, and she had lots of issues. I'm not sure if it was something she brought in the house, but after she left is when I did the ritual.

I didn't tell any of the caretakers what I had done until I asked them if they notice that the negative thing was gone - and everyone agreed that something was different. They all felt like whatever it was had left. I am now a firm believer. I was initially worried about making it angry, but was told that a firm attitude and intent was all that was needed to make it go away - and it did!

Survivingstephell's picture

I've smudged before and need to again.  Now that the skids are aged out , there isn't that daily bombardment of negative energy coming from BM's way.  Her house isn't that far away and I swear I had to put a force field around us to stay sane.  I could feel it coming at us.  I bet if I threw water on her she'd melt like the wicked witch she is.  

advice.only2's picture

As in life not everybody is a great person in their afterlife.  Some people are just a$$holes, spirits included.   Saging is good and helps, also letting them know this is your space and negativity won’t be tolerated can help too. 

daisydiamond82's picture

I too am spiritual and believe in ghosts and spirits. I am Native American and practice smudging (what we call what you're doing when you burn sage to purify a space). I've done it a few times in our house but I should start doing it more especially with my SD10 being so moody all the damn time. I'm pretty good at picking up on people's energies and vibes. SD sometimes drags over whatever energy she had at BM's to our house. Especially the first day she's with us. Those are always the hardest with her. Sometimes I meditate and try to change the energy in our house. Other times I've smudged the whole house and hit her room especially hard.

I also read tarot cards. I've noticed sometimes if SD is over when I do a reading it turns out kind of wonky. Like it just doesn't quite make sense, or it doesn't feel right to me. So, I have to shuffle the cards longer and keep my energy on them. I think they pick up on her energy.

SD also has the Glimmer (as you so perfectly put it). My SO has told me stories about how when she was little she used to ask about her brother and sisters. BM had three miscarriages before SD was born and neither parent had mentioned it to SD, but somehow she knew about them. She also says she's dreamed of them. I believe her as I have people who have walked on come to visit me in my dreams as well. SD also believes she sees spirits and ghosts.

I honestly never thought of her bringing a spirit or a ghost with her to our house but now that you've mentioned it, it's very likely she has. Our house has been in a FUNK and SD has not been sleeping well. (Most of the not sleeping is her being an a-hole though... some of it could be related to the vibes in our house, though...) SD's energy most definitely affects the energy in our house. I do my best with smudging and what not.

Merry's picture

I'm a bit of a skeptic, but I don't dismiss these kinds of energies and powers either.

Neither DH nor I have had any significant other-world experiences -- until we bought our current house. Now we both occasionally hear voices, music, even parties going on. It's a happy energy and we've told the spirits that they are welcome any time.

Shieldmaiden's picture

Wow!  I lived in a house like that. It was wild! I don't miss it though, because it felt like it kind of drained our energy, even though it was a friendly ghost.  

Merry's picture

I can see where feeling that all the time would be a drain, but we don't. Probably good that I don't have your kind of sensitivity! I feel like they are literally kindred spirits.

Catmom024's picture

I really honor and acknowledge my "women's intuition".  It's definitely a real thing.  My exhusband was smart enough to recognize it as well.   I think it scared him a little.   I have a close friend who sees ghosts.  When I lived in my old house I specifically told her "if you see anything here, I don't want to hear about it."

We moved 4 years ago into a 200 y.o. house and know at least 3 people died in the house.  My friend let it slip that there are two friendly entities/ghosts in the basement.  It's a walkout basement and was used as actual living quarters back in the day.  I told the entities they were here before me, they're welcome to stay, but I highly suggest they move on.  We won't acknowledge them because I don't want to encourage anything.  We've never heard or seen anything strange. 

BUT...when my exhusband and I and our very young son started attending a small, bible study type church after years of not going to church...goodness.   I was being pestered horrifically by constant annoying stupid stuff for a week or two.  This was when I still lived in my old house. 

Rags's picture

My DW is a sensitive and gets "feelings".  Over the years of our marriage I have learned to trust her instincts though I am a skeptic far more than a believer.

During our 8 year Expat adventure we made very close friends with a number of couples. Two are "blended" as far as the sensitive and not balance goes.   The DH's pretty much shrug and listen, the DW's are the ones with the gift.  My DW's is very light, though her full on "Rafiki" friends tell her she has very strong sensitivities that would blossom if she allowed it.  She struggles regarding the balance between her science/bean counter analytical side and her gift side.  

As for "Rafiki".  Our son teases his mom about her gift.  When we were on leave one summer from Expat assignments he referred to the most vocal of our friends as "Rafiki".  The Lion King mystic character.  That stuck.  She is a doll and our first dinner with she and her husband after that leave she got an odd look on her face and asked "Who is Rafiki?".  Neither DW now I had mentioned it to her. She had a thing on it I guess.  We busted out laughing and recounted our son's tagging her with the "Rafiki" monicre.  She laughed.

Rafiki is a licenced Rieki Master.

According to Rafiki, my wife has a number of loved family members around her pretty much all of the time.  I see and feel nothing other than periodic waves of remarkable calm.

The other close couple friends where the DW is a senstivie is my own personal plantar faciitis savior.. She is both a licensed Reike Master and a licensed Reflexologist.  She was a huge help with my safety boot driven foot problems.

Interestingly, our Rieki master friends studied two variants of the philosopy.  Rafiki studied in the Eastern tradition, and the Reflexologist studied a Western tradition.  Though the basics are similar, the practices are decidedly different in how they each apply it to clients.

If you have a gift, use it.

caninelover's picture

Big believer in that here, especially for things like plantar fasciitis that western medicine has poor answers for.  Acupuncture cured mine in 4 sessions, after western medicine failed for 4+months.

Shieldmaiden's picture

HI Rags!  Rafiki - I love it! That made me laugh. You and your wife sound like you have a great, well balanced relationship.  I would love to hear more about your expat adventures. One day, I hope to live in another country. DH doesn't like traveling, but I do. 

caninelover's picture

My DH was raised Catholic and is now 100 percent agnostic.  Me, I was raised loosely Hindu and am just now starting to reconnect with spirituality.  I do believe in spirits and afterlife, both.  I saged my house when I first moved in, but not after Bratty left.

I don't think it specifically helps with stepkid issues, but I feel more centered when I practice spiritualality.  That helps me in life generally!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Several years ago (before the Big Ban), I wrote a similar post and deleted because I was attacked publicly and via PM. I believe. Go ahead and say I'm whackadoo.

I've had many encounters with multiple ghosts/spirits. It is well-known to several generations that my Dad and I are the only ones his grandmother tolerates. A number of people have tried to enter "her" room, but are incapable of remaining. None of my aunties would so much as pause in the doorway. One cousin was literally bounced out of the bed. Another was specifically told to Leave Now. For me, that is THE most welcoming, comfortable room in the house. I feel 'safe' and content. 

I worked at a historical mansion for 10 years and had encounters with both ghosts: one a prankster, the other temperamental and occasionally destructive.

My mother 'visited' me while I was driving at night and literally saved my life. 

advice.only2's picture

I don't remember your post Aniki, but I do remember the culling of mean girls :) 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

It was deleted within an hour of posting it. Some of the comnents/messages were vile. *unknw*

Shieldmaiden's picture

Aniki - you are the coolest of the whackadoos!  LOL. Just kiddin. I was ready for the onslaught of naysayers, but I applaud everyone here for being so respectful . I completely understand if others don't believe. Even with my experiences, I was skeptical until I ran into others who saw  what I saw. Now, I think its a really important part of keeping the house liveable. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Shieldmaiden, I'm okay with being a cool whackadoo! LOL 

It's great everyone is being respectful and having a discussion instead of bashing! I've been around it my entire life, so have always been open to hear/talk about experiences others have. 

caninelover's picture

But I don't think people should not be allowed to post their beliefs.   Sorry if that happened to you but I like this thread 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

A number of members were banned (20 ish?). Others left. Suffice to say, it was basically the result of mean girl behavior.

caninelover's picture

But sometimes... addition via subtraction.  Best they left if they couldn't handle a post like this.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I don't know that it that so much being unable to handle it; more the desire to voice their negative opinions/doubts. *unknw*

MissK03's picture

I would consider myself "agnostic." I think we are connected in ways we can't comprehend. We aren't here to understand either. We are just a blip on the radar through out the universe. I don't believe in a "god" though. I do believe in other life somewhere....not Hollywood aliens though lol. 

I have "sensed" things throughout my life and I feel like everyone can say they have...deja vu type experiences for example. 

One major thing for me was when I was 14. My moms friend son (who I basically grew up with) committed suicide. I woke up out of my sleep at his time of the death... I didn't know then what had happened. I was getting ready for school and my mom came in crying (on the phone with her friend) saying he died.

There are small other things.. thinking about someone and then the text/call. My friends wife who hadn't seen or spoken to in years did this too me last year. I was telling SO about her how I should really reach out to her and BAM she texted me literally 20 minutes later.. I was shook haha. I think that's an example of our connections with each other that are unexplainable. 

No particular ghost stories just random feelings and senses throughout life. 

This is a fun post btw! 

thinkthrice's picture

Chef's ferals would leave such a negative energy it was unreal.  I have done a cleansing before and burned sage, made a line of salt and used mantras.  It was though the Gir was purposely sending negative vibes through the ferals and you could just feel the seething hatred.  They were always on their worst behavior. 

I was raised in a cult that strictly forbid any thing like this.  While at one of the cult's large conventions in Montreal in the mid seventies, my sister and I were exploring the ancient hotel and the elevator stopped at the top floor which was an old abandoned ballroom/party room.  It was pitch black, cordoned of with only the light of the elevator illuminating the very eerie drop cloth covered furniture.   We had not hit any buttons to go to that floor and no one was on that floor.

We started banging on the close door and lower floor buttons.  It seemed the doors were open for minutes not seconds!

JRI's picture

There are so many mysteries in life, I dont discount anything.  I'm not particularly religious but I support all religions because life is tough and whatever helps us get thru is good.  I'm also not psychic but I can usually tell what's going to happen.  Call it women's intuition or whatever.

Back in the day when I was hiring, our company gave many guidelines, things to look for, questions to ask.  But then there was my gut.  Without exception, whenever I went against my gut, I was disappointed.  And, my gut gave me a 1 second response.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I don't think I'm psychic or anything like that, but I did grow up in a "happily haunted" house. My mom went back to work after my younger sister was around preschool age (I'm three years old than her, and our brother's two years older). Apparently, our "housemate" didn't like that. Whenever Mom, an ER nurse, had to go to work, she'd find her keys were missing. Or her nurses' cap (dating myself here!). Or one of her white shoes. She's call out to our friend, "It's not funny! I need to go to work. I'm leaving the kids with my mother- they'll be fine." She'd then go into the living room and right in the middle of the coffee table, she'd suddenly find whatever it is she was looking for. It wasn't my brother or sister or I!

Also, and I didn't know about this until much, much later in life, we had one of those large chect freezers in our basement. Mon kept the key on a hook on the wall, apparently. None of us could reach it. Whenever she'd go down to get something out of it, the key would be moved to another hook up near the rafters! So she just started keeping it on the higher hook, and that issue stopped. I guess our "ghost nanny" wanted to keep us safe!

One last thing- pretty much every night from the time I was old enoguh to remember until I was around 13-14 years old, I'd SWEAR I could feel someone sitting down at the foot of my bed. I'd look, and no one would be there. I'm not sure what to make of that, but it was bizarre.

floralsm's picture

Ooh I have goosebumps now reading all these stories! I also love them. My DH is a 'man of science!' so he detests anything like this. It's funny because my MIL has a shelf of her crystals and puts them outside under the moon she says. DH rolls his eyes and I think, wow I have to try that! 

I am more and more open to this idea of having positive energy in my home. I didn't even consider that anything negative in my home stems from the skids bringing the toxic energy of BM here. Wow it makes so much sense, thank you! 

I have experienced a few ghost encounters. Years ago when I was in my early 20's my BF at the time lived in a house in the hills and he claimed he sees his ex GF's mother who recently passed. Apparently she really loved him with her daughter. He warned me I may sense her so try not to let her bother me. I honestly thought he was all CooKoo. 

A few nights later I slept over (he lived in his parents granny flat) and I woke up and it was so cold. My arms felt all goosebumps. Then I heard a noise from the foot of the bed that I can only describe as breathing. But, it was a huff of breathing like frustration. It didn't stop. I even strained my eyes and ears to think what it could be. I woke up my BF and when he went to listen it stopped. He believed me though and said he warned me. 

A few weeks later I arrived at his house and he wasn't home. It was dark and freezing outside. He was still at work, and said just let yourself in. I had study to do, and figured I'll sit at his office chair and work on his computer. I turned on the lamp and was reading my study notes, when that exact same feeling happened. I realise now it must have been that negative energy people can sense. I looked around and couldn't see anything and when I turned back to read, in my ear loud as day I heard the breaths of breathing. A few tiny strands of my hair around my ear moved AGAINST MY FACE. That same heavy frustration of breath. I screamed and ran out of his room. I grabbed my keys and sat in my car and locked the door until he came home. I was terrified! Thinking back now it wasn't even the breathing, it was the energy that scared me the most. It made me feel cold and I was literally unable to go in there. When we broke up for other reasons, I felt a massive weight had lifted from my chest. 

I told my DH this story and he said it's a bunch of crap and I was just cold and it was probably the heater not working or making noise. I can't tell him this stuff.  Thank you for this post, because I am so open to learning more about how to manage positive energy in a home. I agree with CLove there needs to be a forum on here based on spiritual posts like these! :) 

Evil4's picture

My ex and I lived in a very haunted house and we actually saw a ghost. When I told my DH he totally poo-pooed me. The stories I could tell...

I agree about a new forum on this. I feel so alone because I can't share with anyone except sometimes DD22.

classyNJ's picture

My mother and I are a little "sensetive"to certain places.  We have felt and maybe glimpsed a few things over the years but too many to post.

I can say that the house I have lived in for the last 14 years is the only place that I have felt "nothing".  No energy except that it feels comfy and safe

Shieldmaiden's picture

I just wantted to say thank you to all of you who shared your thoughts and experiences. I love hearing all your stories! This group is so wonderful. I know this is thanks in part to the moderators, who keep things friendly for all. Again, I really loved hearing that I am not the only one who feels this wierd toxic energy coming over from the BM's house with the skids. When I spiritually clear the house, I sleep better for weeks afterward, and even our cat seems less wigged out.