How'd it become MY idea?
So this past weekend was my birthday. I got a lot of gift cards from family and friends...
A few of friends got me gift cards to Cheesecake Factory, so I've got like $100 worth...
So when DH saw how much I had in gift cards to Cheesecake Factory he said, "Wow...That's a lot of eating right there!" I was like sure is...I'll take you out to spend them...He said, "Cool! We can go this weekend!" I was like..."Ummm...not this weekend..." So he said..."Oh yeah...we have SD"...
DH took DS and I out to dinner last night to Carraba's
I didn't say anything and we went to Carraba's...After dinner and on our way home we started talking about how much of a "big boy" DS was at the restaurant. He sat in his booster and ate and had a great time...He talked to people who came by our table to talk to him and practiced saying "Tank Too" to the servers...
We had a great time...We know that's not always the case with a 2 year old so we're counting our blessings...I was telling DH that it's great how that their interaction is so fabulous...DH and DS have "talks" whenever DS is about to loose it...DH has him to the point to where all he has to say is, "DS...Do we need to have a talk?" and the boy straightens up...I told him that was great that he's getting that opportunity. He said he agreed because he didn't and doesn't get that chance with SD. I agreed. I said, "Yeah...The fact that her behavior is not too good coupled with the fact that her mother doesn't take her anywhere, it's hard to "civilize" her with the little time you DO have with her..."
So DH said..."I don't mind taking her anywhere now...her behavior has gotten a lot better when she's with me at least, but I know you don't want to go anywhere with her..."I was like HUH? He said, "Well when I mentioned going to Cheesecake Factory this weekend, you were like, when I realized we'd have don't want go anywhere with her in public..."
I was and am a bit offended! Now first and foremost...SD has some major behavioral problems...DH has gotten her to the point where she will act right when with us. But initially when he got his visitation established and BM couldn't keep her from him, we'd take her to restaurants with us and ROUTINELY she'd act a fool...Like screaming...spitting across the table...bending over and freaking name it...DH would have to no less than 2 to 3 times during an outing take her to the restroom to have a "talk", or even spank her...So at one point, DH said...I can't take her out like that...It's too dramatic and stressful...I agreed and supported him...
But now it's MY idea why we don't take SD anywhere? Really? I'm pissed because it makes me look like the bad guy!
And the MAIN reason why I said no to this weekend when we have SD is because #1, the jury is still out on her acting like a civilized citizen if we take her anywhere(DH AGREES!) AND 2(most importantly) those are my damn gift cards to enjoy my damn self! If and when I do use them, I want to be relaxed and take folks I WANT to be around with me...They're MY gifts!
I told DH it's freaking Cheesecake Factory not Ruth's Chris...If he wants to just "go" then we can just go...BUT I'm not interested in experimenting with SD THERE...I told him to start with freaking Waffle House or IHOP or somewhere...
How'd I become the reason why?!
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You: (big smile)Me you and
You: (big smile)Me you and Ds, Cheesecake Factory, Sat nite!(the non SD one) Love you Honey! No mention of SD, all smiles. If he mentions her again say Honey, I don't want to spend my gift cards on her this time, I'd rather try her out at McDs or somewhere first, okay sweetie? Just kill him w/ kindness and keep the focus off her. Yay! Fried mac n cheese! Psuedo step CTBB was never bad in resturants when he was little, but his table manners were horrendous, DH and I fought over it a couple of times. Then I would take the killing w/ kindness approach and it usually worked. Telling DH his precious nephew's manners literally made me want to shout at my shoes didn't work as well!
Apparently you missed this
Apparently you missed this part, maybe?
"But now it's MY idea why we don't take SD anywhere? Really? I'm pissed because it makes me look like the bad guy!"
That's why I'm pissed off...It came off as if the only reason he doesn't "suffer" through SD at a restaurant is because of me...He feels like she's ready to go to a restaurant, but hasn't because I don't want to take her if that whole thought process started with me...
Who cares? As long as he
Who cares? As long as he understands that you will not go out in public with her because of HER behavior, well, technically he is right. Yes, it's always as if they are telling us it's our fault, but maybe too it may be how WE feel. I could care less what DH thought about something like this. I would say, "you are right, I won't go with her until she learns to behave." Period. }:)
PS - congrats to you on teaching your child good manners...I used to have the same issues with SD and DH of course, and crazy BM would say "she's just a child"...really? If you don't teach them when they are young, then when they are in their teens you'll say "they are too old, nobody ever taught them." DH took OUR son out to a work function last Saturday, mind you he is 10 and "autistic and has ADHD", and DH came home so happy because all the women/men fell in love with how polite he was. If someone brought him a treat, he'd say "well, thank you!" When they were getting into an elevator with a female co-worker of DH, my son actually let her go first and said "ladies first!" and of course, he called everyone MAAM and SIR.
and people make excuses for the poor manners of their kids...
"I told him to start with
"I told him to start with freaking Waffle House or IHOP or somewhere" ROFLOL, that's hilarious!!!
"So DH said..."I don't mind
"So DH said..."I don't mind taking her anywhere now...her behavior has gotten a lot better when she's with me at least, but I know you don't want to go anywhere with her..."
He pushed it off onto you now. I don't mind taking her anywhere NOW. Is what he said. Sounds like he was feeling you out or testing you to see if YOU still have an issue.
And that's how it made me feel!
Years ago I worked at a
Years ago I worked at a produce market. I was up on a step ladder and dropped something. A little girl, about 6, with down syndrome came running over, picked it up, and said here you go Maam.I of course fell all over myself thanking this sweet little girl. Her mom came over with tears in her eyes. I'll never forget it. I told her how proud she should be of that precious little girl. So yes, NO EXCUSES for poor manners!
I understand what you are
I understand what you are saying and how you feel b/c before then it was your dh's idea to not take her any where.t However ONCE he thought it might be ok with out talking to you about that he felt it was ok now and when you displayed you still wasn't still with out knowing he felt it was ok suddenly it was ALL YOU that don;t want to take her any where!
That was VERY wrong of him and I would sit him down and explain it to him that way. That IF he felt it was ok to take her out now then he SHOULD have talked to about his change of mind instead of ASSuming that you can read his mind. Then to accuse you of it being your idea.
We are right here
We are right here ><...
Seriously...That's the issue...Now he feels okay with taking her, and he didn't communicate that to me...So I'm living life business as usual...
I tried to talk to him about it this morning, and he gave me the "Not now" speech...
We WILL talk about it, however...
I could actually believe him if he actually lived this himself...There are PLENTY of times when I'm not around and he's alone with SD...He could be taking her to a public place then...But he doesn't...They do the drive-thru and eat at home...ALL THE TIME...
Yeah he is feeling guilty and
Yeah he is feeling guilty and now wants to make it your problem.
My dh pulls this one all the
My dh pulls this one all the time. He will agree with me all day long that ss has a problem respecting me-he will agree that he does not want to be part of this family and will make no effort. He will agree that he steals from everyone and has done drugs and had some bad behaviors. HOWEVER-when explaining to someone else (such as mil) why ss doesnt live here presently he will say "Because hmo and ss13 dont get along"
I'll be like, "Back up there buddy"-and he will say, "but you dont"-"there are problems between you guys" and I will agree and say, "Yes, ss has a problem with treating me respectfully and I have a problem tolerating it". But when you describe it like that it sounds as if we are two small children who are fighting over things and cant get along with one another when in reality I have made every damn effort possible to try and have a positive rlationship with this child-I am not part of the refusal to "get along"
I am very sensitive about this issue-because I feel so much of teh blame for this situation has been thrown my way-by dh along time ago (he sorta knows better now), by ss himself, by bm in the past, by inlaws now-that I feel that he needs to carefully word things. I think from his perspective he's just trying to sum it all up rather than give a complete laundry list of all the issues to people who might inquire about it. Needless to say I've told him to come up with a new way to sum it up. For instance, he could just say, "hey, my son's an asshole".