Update to SD's case
We received some news the other day about SD's case. The next hearing is schedule for April. At this hearing SD's former SF will enter his plea (guilty, not guilty, or take the plea bargain). And lucky for us, SD doesn't have to be at this hearing. That takes alot of stress off of SD, by not having to be there. Now depending on what happens at that hearing, determines what happens next. If he pleads not guilty, then the case will be schedule for trial. Which will be sometime in May. We are hoping that he either pleads guilty or takes the plea bargain, for SD's sake. B/C if he doesn't, she will have to testify at the trial. I hate the thought of making her go through that. We are having SD's therapist working with her to get her ready to testify. Well, I will keep y'all posted on what happens. I'm hoping for the best.
- Shell97's blog
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