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Depressed & need to vent a little....

Shell97's picture

I don't understand why the DH & I do this every year. The entire month before Christmas we stress about how we are going to afford to buy our kids presents. Then the entire month after Christmas we stress about how we are going to pay our bills. And this year we didn't even use any money from DH's pay checks to pay for Christmas. DH's parents gave us $300 for Christmas and instead of using it on ourselves, we used it on our kids. But what DH & I didn't count on was the week of Christmas DH only working 3 days, the week of New Year only working 3 days, and last week not working at all. I go Friday to see if we can get any assistance, but I'm not counting on it. I'm pretty sure due to our circumstances that we will qualify, but every time in the past our case worker found some way to deny us. So I'm not counting on it. I just don't know what DH & I are going to do. We have both been looking for jobs (well me a job & DH a better one). There is nothing in our area. I am really not sure how we are going to make it. We can't even afford gas for our car if DH would have work this week. I know some how DH & I will make it through this...I am just really depressed right now because of our current situation. I am just looking for some words of encouragement right now to help me through this.


Most Evil's picture

Its that wonderful time of year again. We are always in the same boat too and I always think it is just me and my fault somehow but this year it is all around us.

I will say pray, for a light at the end of the tunnel and yes, insist on receiving assistance if you qualify. I will pray for you too honey Smile
"The movies are the only business where you can go out front and applaud yourself." -
Will Rogers

Shell97's picture

I always thought the same thing to. I always blame myself for some reason. And I to have also realized that DH & I are not the only ones in this same situation. It is just really hard, when we have just recently got custoday of SD15 and now all this happens. And thank you ME.

Shell97's picture

DPW....your suggestions are fine. But DH doesn't even have the money for gas to get to his job that he already has.Plus I have tried the cleaning thing through an agency several months back and due to an injury from a former job, I am unable to do the work. So thank you for the suggestions. As far as the babysitting thing, we are new to the area and don't know anyone and I'm sure due to that no one is gonna trust leaving there kids with me.

Kb3Hooah's picture

Shell, I agree with DPW, right now you can't afford to hold out for a job that you 'like'. I would consider doing some babysitting or cleaning houses, they pay pretty decent. Babysitting can be done from your home, and cleaning houses is pretty flexible with hours. This leaves you alot of time to continue searching for something that would pay better and that you may actually enjoy. Do you mind me asking what type of work your DH does?

“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”

Shell97's picture

We're really not holding out for the job he would "like" to is just that no one is hiring. And as I explained to DPW, we are new to the area and no one knows us and I doubt that they would trust leaving their children with me. My DH is a truck driver....and yes we have considered the OTR thing, but we have been that route before about 5 years ago and it almost destroyed our marriage. So OTR is totally out of the question, even just for a few months.

Angel72's picture

DPW has an Excellent idea. I clean houses on the side when i need extra cash...if its winter, go clean someones driveway for 20 bucks. Everything helps.
If you truly can't find a job and your dh can't find a better one then maybe you can either go back to school in a technical field job or you and your dh can serioulsy think of moving to another area where job oppurtinities are better.
Hang in there for now...those are big decisions, you have your parents who are helping you and hang in there.
how old are you kids? I was 11 when i started to work. Worked at my church for a while and babysat. Helped my parents alot with the bills and food that way.

Shell97's picture

I think about going back to school all the time, but that causes another way to pay for it. And DH & I are not going to uproot our kids again to move. We have only been here for a little over a year. We don't feel like moving again. Because we can't afford to move for one and will not move back to where we use to live and admit defeat to my family. Which is a whole other topic about my family and why I can't go back there. And yes my parents are helping us a little, but only gets us food & a little gas money. Doesn't pay the bills.

Our kids are BS11 & SD15. SD15 keeps saying she wants to get a job, but when it comes time to go look....she doesn't go because if she would get a job then that messes up her summer visitation with BM. And SD15 says if she would get a job, the money would be for her to buy things...not help us out.

vgill's picture

It could always be worse, you shold have seen how I lived when I was married to my ex husband!!! We went withiut power for over 2 months, I walked to work(babysitting)taking 2 kids with me pregnant with my 3 and he sat at home smoking pot and drinking all of our money away. I had a garden thank goodness and we lived in the country and there was a brook so I could bath the kids and we had water to drink. I am so glad I went through that, now I know that I can handle anything! what doesn't kill us makes us stronger!! You'll be alright just keep going you can do it!

Shell97's picture

Yeah I know it could be worse and I think about that all the time...and I'm afraid it is going to get alot worse before it gets better. I am hoping to plant a garden this spring because it will help alot. Veggies & fruit is 2 things we can't keep in this house with our kids. I know in my heart that DH & I will make it through this and it will make us is just dealing with the stress and depression right now to get through it. Thank you for your story & words of encouragement.

Selkie's picture

I've been in your position many, many times. And you know what? Every time we seem to hit rock bottom, something happens to help us, even if a little bit. Try to have some faith that things will work out somehow. You'll get through this.

Bradybunchmom's picture

I agree with the others. When we were having a tough time in the past I put an ad up to clean houses for $10 an hour. It worked out pretty well. I have also sold things in the house we dont need, walked and bathed dogs, name it I have probably tried it when we were in a pinch.

Shell97's picture

We have kind of already started to live like over the last year. In October of 08, I got a settlement for my injury at work. So we used it to pay off almost all of our debt but about $2K and used the rest to move. We only moved because DH had a better job offer. Well, we got here and the job fell through... so than began the search of a job. He had found a great job and things were going great. Well, due to the oil drilling in the US being cut by 40%, his job was in jeopardy. So he began the job search again and found his current job and quit the other one before they laid him off. Which when he put in his 2 week notice, they told him that they were glad that he found another job, because he was next to go. Well his current job started out great. We own both cars, no credit cards, and pay for everything with cash and if we don't have the money for it we don't buy it. Well things were going so good that when our landlord came to us and said "You have a choice to make...either go into an agreement of rent to own the place you are in or find another place to live." Of course we choose the rent to own because the payment was cheaper than our current rent payment, the area we live in has no other rental properties, and we couldn't get a mortgage because of DH's bankruptcy from his first marriage. Things continued to go great. We thought that for once we finally made the right choices in our life. Well, then in Oct. DH's job started going to shit. He would drive an hour one way to just sit there and not get any pay for it. If it wasn't for DH's parents giving us the $300 as our gift for Christmas....we were going to show our kids what Christmas is all about and not get them anything and take them to a soup kitchen to help serve others. But no, DH & I decided to use our gift to give our kids a great Christmas. Well, after we spent the money....his job really went to shit. He worked 3 days the weeks of Christmas & New Years and not at all last week. He was receiving unemployment, but that ran out today and he has filed for an extension...but we have to wait until they decide if they are going to give it to him. Plus to top it off, he called into work this morning and asked if there was work because he can't afford to keep driving 80 miles one way to just sit there and make no money. They told him that there was work. So he went. He gets there & there isn't any work. He sat there until noon today and did nothing and made nothing. So there was a waste of gas to go do nothing. He checked all the local newspapers & work force website and there is nothing listed that he is qualified to do. I hate the thought that it is going to end up with having to go back driving truck OTR. Which almost ruined our marriage once and in our current situation, I feel it would be the end. I am hoping that my appointment on Friday for assistance goes well. And that will be one less worry for us.

beatlesmom's picture

honey, we must wear the same size shoe.

i know exactly what you are going through and i know exactly what you need...some chocolate, a couple good books and a quiet place (at least for an hour or so a day). relaxing and destressing will seriously help you during this struggle. make more laughter and smiles among your family, and the situation will keep happening (of course) but you won't see it or worry about it at the time. sounds easier said than done i know, but at least try doesn't hurt to try Smile