BM causing problems again & things were going so well.
SD15 got invited to a sleepover birthday party at a hotel room this Saturday. DH & I told SD15 no. Well SD15 wasn't happy with that and told BM about it, who is 1100 miles away and has no say in these type of decisions anymore since we have custody of SD15. Well BM called DH last night and started trying to convince DH into changing his mind about letting SD15 go. DH told BM it would be different if this girl's parents were not alcoholics & would be there the entire time. But since we can't guarantee that would happen, our answer is no. Because when we let SD15 stay the night at their home, they left SD15 & her friend alone to babysit while they went out and got drunk. BM says well then just let SD15 go for a few hours. DH said SD15 won't go for that, but we'll consider it. And we can't guarantee that SD15 won't have her boyfriend meet her at the hotel. When DH got off the phone and told me what BM had suggested, I was furious. I told him that if we change our decision, that will make SD15 think that anytime we tell her no all she has to do is tell BM and then we'll change our decision. DH said that I am being to hard on SD15. But she can't even follow simple house rules. Like the first time her boyfriend(bf) was over, we told her they were not allowed in her bedroom...what did she do but take him into her room. The next bf was over, we told her he had to be gone by was more like 11 or 11:30pm when he finally left. I also stated to DH that if DH & BM are going to make these decisions for our home, then he needs to be back with BM & not me. I know that I was out of line with that statement, but that's how I feel. Well since about 7pm last night DH hasn't said anything to me. DH did call about an hour ago and he acted as though nothing was wrong. I am at a loss on what to do or say. What would you do in this situation?
- Shell97's blog
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I agree with you, changing
I agree with you, changing the rule now will set a precedent. SD needs to learn to follow the rules if she wants to be trusted. If dh has let it go and he hasn't changed the rule, then I say let it go, but if he is pretending nothing is wrong and going behind your back, you have a problem.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
I don't think you're being
I don't think you're being hard on SD15. Sounds like she can't adhere to rules or limits so why should she have the privilege of going to a party in a hotel room? Plus, it doesn't sound like a good idea anyway, from what your DH said about the parents of the girl in question. If I were DH, I would have been upset with SD15 for going behind my back to the BM to have her try to have him change his mind. That's the issue here and it needs to be addressed. He needs to stand firmly by his decision.
Going to a party in a hotel
Going to a party in a hotel room? at 15 years old?
And you're 100% right about what precedent that will set with SD15 if DH changes the rules after talking to BM (it's amazing how far their grubby hands can still reach...1,100 miles away from THEIR child...ugh!). She will most certainly think that she can convince BM to "override" any rule you set for her in the future if he caves on this.
Oh, and DH telling you that you're being "too harsh" on SD15 by telling him how you feel (especially when you're being completely reasonable)...that's clearly the TURN AROUND and it's soooo typical. Somehow YOU'RE the "bad guy" by trying to help him co-parent and teach SD15 about rules & responsibility. That's just plain WRONG and don't put up with it.
I know, I thought by moving
I know, I thought by moving 1100 miles away from BM that things would get better. Boy was I wrong. It seems BM has more control over DH now than BM did when we lived half an hour from BM.
That is exactly how I feel. As if he is trying to make me the "bad guy" even if we agree about it. Though DH always says I make him be the "bad guy" and I need to be it sometimes. Though when I do, he disagrees with me infront of the kids, even if right before we sat down with them to discuss the problem he agreed with me. I am just looking at the big picture of what the affects of the wrong decisions could be. DH just looks at the present and not what the consequences could be, only the fact that SD or BS is upset with our decision. Ummm hello...that's what being a parent is and when we were younger our parents made the same decisions and we were not always happy with the outcome.
I just hope SD uses her brain while at this party and does not allow the peer pressure to get to her like she usually does. B/C if SD thought I was an evil SM before, just wait. I haven't even begun to bring the evil SM out.
Update to this
Update to this situation....DH and I discussed it and here is what we have decided to do.
We are going to let her go to the party for a couple hours, but we will drop her off & pick her up. SD has to meet us at the front desk at 8pm sharp to be picked up. If she is even a minute late, it will never happen again. If we find out that SD lies to us about anything that happens while she is there, she will be grounded. If we find out that her bf is there, she will be grounded.
I am still not to happy with this decision, b/c I feel as though b/c of BM calling, SD will start to think it will happen every time SD is told no. Plus if SD would get into serious trouble while at this party, it will hurt SDs credibility in her case against her SF. And I also told DH & SD that this is my last time of trying to trust SD to do the right thing. I am done after this, b/c I will not be played, lied to, or disrespected when it comes to our house rules. This is SDs last chance.
Well tonight was the
Well tonight was the birthday party at the hotel. DH & I dropped SD off at 3pm and picked her up at 8pm. We asked her how it went and SD said they went swimming, relaxed in the hot tub, and ate cake. She had a fun time. I'm hoping that she didn't anything that we may find out about later. B/C she didn't say that any drama happened. I hope this is a start to a new beginning of DH & I being able to trust her.