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shatter_me's Blog

Finally lost it.

shatter_me's picture

After finally getting court ordered parenting time BM decided to move to another state. There was nothing we could do unless we had 2000 dollars just to start the emergency procedings to keep her in the state. (since she is moving back to home state she does not have to have permission to leave) Well she has been a royal c*** about the whole issue. I have been keeping out of it and shutting my mouth so it wont cause problems for my husband but after last night i just couldnt take any more.

need advice

shatter_me's picture

We just went threw the courts and got a regular set up of parenting time. It has only been in effect for a little over a month. We were schedualed to have sd on the first saturday of april. BM text my husband and says well you cant have her those weeks the court order will be changed because i am moving back to Michigan on easter permently. She has to have permision to leave the state but she is saying because she is moving back to the origanl state that she does not and there is nothing he can do about it. She is moving and that is that.

What is the likely hood of bi-monthly joint custody???

shatter_me's picture

So BM has been being a real bitch about the times that we set up to have SD. She will either text and cancel or send an email that SD is emotionaly disturbed from the last visit and wont be able to come this month and on and on and on with her stupid bull shit excuses. She told us a couple visits ago that SD was not listening to her and was acting out and she was sure it was from being at our house. AHHH frickin moron she is 2!!!! WTF well any way since then we have had to sit BM down and explain to her stupid ass that kids act like that.