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There are times when I want to shake DH until his teeth rattle!!

Shaman29's picture

Unfortunatley, he's about 100 lbs heavier than me so that option is out.

When DH was CP and his kid lived with us, she made a friend that lived a few blocks away. After his kid moved back with Uberskank, she maintained the friendship.

The friend's mother is one of the sweetest ladies in the world. So full of love and compassion. I honestly don't know how someone can be this nice. What makes me so angry and sick to my stomach is that she was diagnosed with melanoma two years ago. We thought she beat it but she contacted us in December to tell us she had multiple brain tumors and was terminial. She passed away 10 days ago, the service is tomorrow.

Why do I want to shake DH? Twice this week I reminded him to call his kid (she is aware of the death of her friend's mother) to see if she wants to go to the memorial with us. I left it up to him.

This morning we're leaving for work, and he has an envelope with his kids' name and address on it. I asked him what is he sending to the kid? He responded it's a check for the prom dress she picked out. I said, cool. So when's her prom?


I asked again......DH when is her prom? He doesn't look and me and snarls out "I don't know."

I said...okay.

Then I asked...Oh..BTW.....are we picking her up for XYZ's service tomorrow or is she driving into the city?


DH....please tell me you called her, you said you would call her.

He snarls out "I forgot! Okay?? I effing Forgot? Not everyone can be perfect like you!"

Had he not been driving I would have kicked in his nuts so hard they would have gotten lodged in his nostrils.

He dropped me off at work and cheerily waved as he drove off.

WTF is wrong with him? Two simple fricking questions. Do you want to go to XYZ's service with us and when is your prom? Someone please explain why this so hard for him to do?? It's not like they have a crappy relationship. They get along fine and they text each other all of the time.


Willow2010's picture

I would have kicked in his nuts so hard they would have gotten lodged in his nostrils.

Shaman29's picture

You know what really pisses me off? HE doesn't even know if his own child is attending this service.

They sit and text each other like little school girls but he can't find out basic information?

WTF is wrong with this man??

Then he gets pissed when he finds out something after the fact.

It makes me want to scream at him "You can't have it both ways jackass!"

Shaman29's picture

No. Sorry for confusion Foxie.

He doesn't know what day the prom is taking place. It only came up because of the check he sent her for the dress. Which lead to me asking him about her coming with us to the service tomorrow, as he didn't mention if she would be coming up to our place or not Saturday.

Two separate issues. I'm so annoyed that I'm not writing very well today.

Drac0's picture

It sounds to me like your DH doesn't take much stock in his daughter's personal life.

This incident you describe above is almost a prime example of the difference between my Dad and my Mom's ability to recollect things about my life. My Dad, didn't give a rat's ass about anything that was outside of work, school and money. Everything else was rubbish - in one ear and out the other.

My Mom however.

Me: "Hey Mom, do you remember my friend John from elementary school?"

Mom: "John? Oh John! The Greek boy that lived on Melville avenue before they moved across town. His father was an accountant and his mother was a painter. You guys had band practice together after school and you would eat at their house almost every Thursday and afterwards you guys would go outside and play soccer. That John?"

Me: "Uh...yeah...How the hell do you do that?"

furkidsforme's picture

Holy shit, Shaman, we are married to the SAME GUY!!!!

Sounds to me like the resentment and power struggle have crept into your relationship just as they have mine. He heard your innocuous questions as accusations. He assumed you were judging him.

My home has become a battle ground where every single word is heard with an imagined negative connotation. Every question is an accusation, and every comment holds some hidden meaning.

All I have figured out is that , somehow and somewhere along the way, DH and I stopped being teammates and became opponents. I don't know how, and I don't know when. But this could have been one of our conversations. Even down to the "I'm not perfect like YOU"

fedup13's picture

I am having one of those days today!! REALLY BAD! It took all of my self control not to physically assault DH this morning, but, like you, he has about 100 pounds of muscle on me, so I would not have accomplished much. He just makes me SOOOOO mad! Like claw his eyes out pull my hair out and just freak the fuck out mad!!! He is so narcissistic and spoiled and has no concept of how the world does not in fact, actually revolve around his entitled ass.

oldone's picture

My own father was often like that. I was going to camp with a friend - she called a couple of weeks before to make arrangements. My dad told her "I think she's in Texas going to some camp."

My friend laughed so much when she called me. Her parents were very, very strict especially her dad. My dad didn't even know if I was 3 states away.