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Need help on argreeing with parenting the kids

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A little background I have two boys from a previous marriage and my DH has one son from a previous relationship and we have one DD together. I been with my DH for 4yrs but married to him for 2 months but we still defend our own kids when the started fighting. DH blames my boys for always picking on his spoiled brat. Oh sorry my boys are 10.9;SS is 4and DD 5 months. but not all the time its my boys fault and its his son that starts it and he does not believe that his son started it. I tell him your son lies to your face and he does start it sometimes so you will get mad them and not his son so he can look like the good kid and he never believes me when I tell him this. So most of all our arguments has to do with the kids and disciplining them. Oh and BM lets him do whatever he wants there are no boundaries with her, he wins at every game or when they play it has to go his way or he gets mad he has a brother also at BM's home. So my SS has a half brother with BM two step brothers and a half sister with DH and me. Just need help on this sometimes I feel that I need to leave the two of them alone while me and my three children go somewhere. Also my DH works nights so he sleeps during the day so I spend all day/night with all 4 children so I deal with them fighting getting on each others nerves and take care of my 5 month old its like he came to visit me not his dad for the summer on DH's time. Just need help or books or counseling something if not I'm going to go crazy


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Yes only because they all share a room we have three bedroom apt so my DD get a room and the boys one room us the last room. Yes I agree about that older two are not expected to always be together its just hard that they only have one room to play in. So when the older two want to play in their room so does SS. He follows them and wants to play with them all the time even they don't want him to. SS is used to being like an only child I say that because he gets what he wants if does not get it he gets mad his angry issue is like a light switch happy its going his way mad when its not. No camp can't afford it.

Sexybaby's picture

I agree with you MazzyStar, and I'll talk to him about it. When he dealt with the kids he acts like I don't do anything about it and I get angry with him and say I deal with that every day. I would like do that convert her room like that but I have my parents say no its only for my DD, SS has a toddler bed that was in there and now its in the older boys room. Its just hard on me I feel like I'm a single mother with four kids

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I do that but if the they play any of these FUN games SS gets mad because he can't catch them or he is it all the time or they win at a race he is mad and says "your mean leave me alone" every single time. Also their imagination is so different that he get mad when the older don't play with his imagination he gets mad and says "your mean leave me alone". I just can't win with him, it has to go his way that's what he is used to. And its not just with my kids its with his cousins also they play a video came and SS4 I'm the best I win all the time so when his cousin beat him he said your not supposed to win I am so he got mad said the same thing every time.